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How to find previously issued invoices

Learn how to find old invoices that your center has issued in order to see details about payments or charges

Madison Carlson avatar
Written by Madison Carlson
Updated over 2 months ago

Invoices are issued in accordance with your center's billing plan. If you want to ask for a refund or ask why something was added please reach out to your center directly. If you are looking for a way to view all your payments for something like an FSA or tax statement read this help article about viewing your payment statement. This article is focused on looking up information about invoices that have already been paid. If you are looking for how to pay a current invoice read this help article here.

Finding Invoices a Step by Step guide

1. Start by logging into the web version of LineLeader at

2. Click Manage on the left side of the screen.

3 Click People.

4. Find your name and click it

5. Click Transactions

6. From there you will see a list of invoices that have been issued to you by this center.

7. Click actions

8. You will have 2 choices.

A. View Receipt- This view will focus on the payment details.

B. Quick View- This view will show you the details of your invoice including any discounts that were included. As a note, this view will not show the payment that was applied.

If you have further questions don't hesitate to reach out to support via email at

This article is focused on looking up information about invoices that have already been paid. If you are looking for how to pay a current invoice read this help article here.

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