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Payment Statement

Learn more about the payment summary report for parents available in the Web app.

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 8 months ago

If you use LineLeader Billing, you have the ability to run a report to show the total payments made using LineLeader. This can be very helpful as tax season approaches. This summary is available for parents to download through the LineLeader Website, but can also be accessed by administrators.

Payment Statement Video:

Here is a helpful video to learn how to access your payment statement as a parent in the web app:

Payment Statement Step by Step Guide:

1. To access the payment statement please log into your account on a computer at

2. Click on your profile.

3. Select the “Transactions” tab and then click "Payment Statement."

payment icons

4. Select the Date Type, Tax Year, and Report Type. A Summary report will offer the total amount of payments. The "Detail" report will show the total amount with each invoice number and the amount available. After selecting your Tax Year, Date, and Report Types please select "Generate Report."

generate report

5. Print or Download your payment statement

You can download your information as a PDF and also print it for great record-keeping!

download payment

Your payment statement will include your EIN as well!

For Deactivated Users:

1. You will go to the Log In screen and select "Need A Payment Statement?"

2. After selecting "Need a Payment Statement?" it will prompt you to enter your email address.

3. After entering your email and selecting "Request Code," you will receive a code in your email. Type that code and it will take you to your center's Payment Statement. You can then follow the instructions above to select the information you'd like to view!

If you have any additional questions, please reach out to

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