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LineLeader Enroll - Best Practice for Standard Reporting
LineLeader Enroll - Best Practice for Standard Reporting

Learn about the Standard Reports that come with LineLeader Enroll.

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 8 months ago

Before diving in, view a glossary of our key report definitions from this article!

Marketing Campaign ROI Screenshot

Introduction to Standard Reports

The standard reports available in LineLeader Enrol are listed below in alphabetical order.* The content below discusses ways to use the information contained in each report.

If a given report would meet your needs better with a few tweaks, check out the Using Standard Reports in LineLeader Enroll article, make the changes you need, and then save the modified report. It will then appear under "My Saved Reports" on the Custom tab, available for future use with the click of a button.

*If you have re-labelled your Wait List status or your Lost Opportunity status to something different, they will appear as your renamed status in LineLeader Enroll but the write-up will be found under "Wait List" or "Lost Opportunity" below.

Completed Tasks

About & How To Use

Customers use the Completed Task Report to gain insights about their workflow automations and operational efficiency. The Completed Tasks report can alert administrators to potential automation bottlenecks, areas of opportunity, and points of implementation that best result in enrollment.

Common Filters

Customers often filter this report using the Added Date to review enrollment activities that fall within a specific time frame.

Benchmarks & Suggestions

If tasks are not being completed at the rate you'd prefer, consider doing one or more of the following:

  • Take a look at your workflow automations. Are you finding there is a specific type of task that in most frequently missed? For example, is the rate of completion for phone calls falling short of expectation? Can a phone call be replaced by a text message and increase your chance to connect with a potential family?

  • Consider automating more tasks. Relying too heavily on personnel intervention to manually complete tasks might create communications gaps with inquiring families.

  • Consider seasonal automation. Perhaps there is more time in early spring for one on one phone calls but the fall back to school rush needs and text message that doesn’t have to land on someone’s to do list.

Conversion Success

About & How To Use

Are you curious to measure what statuses your families end up in? Do you wish to see how many families make it to getting tours scheduled, how many of your tours get completed, or how many of your families become waitlisted or registered? Ever wonder which marketing sources convert the most families to enrollments? If so, Conversion Success is the perfect report!

Conversion Success report will look at the families in your CRM system over a specified period and indicate what status that specific group of families converted to. By viewing this report, you can quickly determine which areas of the enrollment process you excel at and where you can improve.

For example, if you have a high conversion from Tour Completed to Registered, but a low conversion from New Family to Tour Scheduled, that would indicate you should focus on generating more leads, because you’re great at enrolling once families get to tour!

For another example, if you have a low conversion rate of New Families getting to Tour Scheduled, you might want to evaluate your Lead Sources and make sure you’re driving in quality leads. You can also adopt certain features, like Parent-Scheduled-Tours, to help automate tour bookings!

Common Filters

Before the report is generated:

How to view results: we highly recommend viewing these as both numbers and percentages!

Converted From Status: Typically, we recommend keeping this at “New Family” to see the entire family enrollment journey. However, if you’re curious to measure what status families go into after completed tours, you can set this to “Tour Completed”.

Converted By Date: This will specify the date families moved into their status. If you want to view conversion of families for only the first month of 2022, for example, you might want to set the Converted By date to be 01/31/2022.

After the report is generated:

Child/Guardian Added Date: If you want to specify the added date of families you’re looking at, click on “Child/Guardian Added Date” in your filters bar. You can choose any date range. We recommend using “Between” to get a very specific range or using “Last” for a report that can be saved and reviewed on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Adding in Filters:

Are you curious to measure your conversion by source or campaign? You should be! Once your Conversion Success report is generated, click on “Fields” in the top right. You can select any field and add it to the “Report Filters” column. Try adding in Family Source or Marketing Campaign, then you can easily get your conversion numbers by different channels to measure marketing impact!

Benchmarks & Suggestions

When it comes to benchmarks, we always advise you to first measure yourself against yourself! Look at a specific period and then measure against a prior period. Are you improving in your conversion rates? Are the lowest performing locations improving?

When looking at baselines across the industry, these seem to be common ranges:

  • New Family to Tour Scheduled: 60-80%

  • Tour Scheduled to Tour Completed: 75-95%

  • Tour Completed to Registered: 40-70%

  • New Family to Registered: 10-30%

If you’re underperforming in any areas, not to worry! The first step is always gathering the data, and that’s what this report does. Here are suggestions for improvement:

  • Focus on low converting areas:

    • If you have multiple locations, spend the most time with the locations that convert lowest.

    • If you’re working with one location, focus on the area where you see the largest drop off.

  • Review your marketing channels

    • Are specific family sources always going to Lost Opportunity? Do specific family sources usually convert to Registered?

    • Double down on the sources that convert best and evaluate whether to keep using the ones that contribute most to Lost Opportunities.

  • Self-Serve Families

    • Most guardians today are millennials who will appreciate it if you provide convenient options to book tours such as our Parent-Scheduled Tour form. Also have features like Two-Way texting enabled, so you can seamlessly communicate.


  • Waitlist is an optional status; children do not have to be in this status, they can skip over it.

  • If you add a child to a later stage status (such as Tour Completed), we will back date the other statuses.

  • Conversion Success is meant to view historic trended data, it’s good to look at least a month in the past when viewing this data. If you view families that were recently added, they might not have had a chance to convert.

Conversion Timing

About & How To Use

Are you interested in seeing how long it takes your families to move from one status to another? If so, Conversion Timing is the report for you!

Conversion Timing is a fantastic report that will let you evaluate two statuses and the median/average time it takes to move families between those statuses.

Common Filters

Before the report is generated:

Converted From & To Status: Conversion Timing is designed to evaluate a period between two statuses, so first choose which two statuses you wish to evaluate.

Count Children or Families: If you want multiple children within one family to be counted individually, then choose children; if you want families to be counted as a single unit regardless of the number of children, then select family.

Start and End Dates: When you choose what status you want to convert from, you will then need to select the date range of when children or families entered that status.

How to view results: You can choose to view “Average Time” which will produce the average and median time for all families/children during that period. You can choose “Range of Time” which will allow you to input a series of periods so you can more specifically evaluate the time it took your families to convert over multiple periods. Time periods can reveal a lot about your business!

Benchmarks & Suggestions

We always advise customers to first measure yourself against yourself! Look at a specific period and then measure against a prior period. Are you improving in your timing? Are the lowest performing locations improving?

It used to be common advice to engage with a family “X” number of times to win enrollment. Since then, customer data has shown that the most important factor for winning enrollment is speed to engage! Organizations that follow up with families first have an improved chance to win enrollment over competitors.

If you’re underperforming in any areas, not to worry! The first step is always gathering the data, which is what this report is for. If you see trouble areas, here are suggestions for improvement:

> Focus on slower converting areas:

  • If you have multiple locations, spend the most time with the locations that are slowest

  • If you have a single location, measure different periods

    • How is your timing from New Family to Tour Scheduled?

    • How is your timing from Tour Scheduled to Tour Completed?

    • How is your timing from Tour Completed to Registered?

> Evaluate Workflow Automations

  • Are your workflows setup to immediately email/text families when they inquire?

  • Do your workflows have tasks being set to the correct internal users so they can immediately call families and schedule tours?

    • While automated responses are great, you still might want a personal touch to get that tour booked!

> Self-Serve Families

  • Most guardians today are millennials, and you can appeal to them by making sure to provide them convenient options to book tours such as our Parent-Scheduled Tour form. The fastest way to get a family from New Family to Tour Scheduled is to let them book tours right from your website!


  • We back date statuses, so if you add a lead to Tour Completed, they will convert from New Family to Tour Completed in 0 minutes.

  • Average is, well, an average so those data points could be weighted if you have certain families who took a super long time to convert.

  • When looking at median, you’re going to get the middle value from the data set, which can more accurately show a typical guardian/child journey.

Current Families

About & How to Use

Customers use the Current Families report under Standard Reports > Family Reports to view all the current families in your active enrollment pipeline. This allows you to easily see the information contained in the Family Hub. You can quickly view which families are missing child information including expected start dates, birthdates, and the child data itself.

You may wish to add fields such as Child Exported and Child Exported Date if you are integrating with an external management system for your enrolled children. Alternatively, you may wish to add the Next Task fields to determine leads that have past due and future tasks assigned and those who do not have any future activity assigned.

Common Filters

Customers often filter this report by Guardian Added Date, Last Contacted Date, Child Birthdate and any custom fields you may add.

Estimated Revenue

About & How To Use

Use the Estimated Revenue Report to forecast potential revenue for the families in your pipeline based on the expectation they’ll enroll.

The summary is our favorite view, allowing you to quickly see the potential revenue by week, month, year, and lifetime for families in each location, broken out by status. This will help you see into the future, making sure you have financial stability for years to come.

And if you’re doing well, this will help you understand if you can purchase that new equipment, raise teacher salaries, or make other key expenses.

You can view this as a chart to see the total revenue potential or view it as a table if you want to see each child’s revenue potential.

Common Filters

This report is commonly filtered by marketing campaign or UTM to understand the potential revenue each channel is driving before a family enrolls. This will also give you a sneak peak into how your marketing campaigns are doing while you’re running them. The Marketing Campaign ROI report may give you a more complete picture, however.

Benchmarks & Suggestions

The benchmark for this report is one you’ll set yourself. As you review your finances each month, do you have enough estimated revenue to maintain profitability? If yes, then you’re doing great. If not, time to focus on getting more children waitlisted or enrolled.

Need to buy new supplies, give teacher a raise, renovate your center, or have another large expense on the way? This report will help you feel confident in the revenue potential and financial stability of your operations.

Guardian List

About & How To Use

This is your master list of parents in LineLeader Enroll. Think of it as the ultimate data set to see how many contacts you have and as the base for building custom reports.

Common Filters

This report is frequently segmented further by Family Source, Inquiry Type, Next Task, and Time in Status:

  • Family Source will provide a breakdown of what marketing efforts bring in the most families.

  • Inquiry Type will provide a breakdown of how parents are reaching out.

  • Next Task will show all leads with a next task and without one.

  • Time in Status will give you a breakdown of how long families have been in a status to see if they might be stale or not.

Lost Opportunity

*If your company has a different term for this status, the report name will be the same as the term your company uses.

About & How To Use

Customers use the Lost Opportunity report to show you why you are losing enrollments, and where in your process, so you can proactively act on any of the reasons that you can control.

By selecting specific Lost Opportunity reasons, this report can help give you the information you need to alter strategies to win new business or to gain back lost business.

This report will help you understand where in the sales cycle you are losing business: Is it before or after the tour? Is it because you cannot get in contact with them in the first place?

Analyzing this information, and especially comparing results from multiple locations if you have them, can help identify where staff training is needed to help convert more inquiries into enrollments.

Common Filters

This report is usually unfiltered. However, when filters are used, Lost Opportunity Reason, Status Date, Guardian Added Date, and Prior Status are most common.

Benchmarks & Suggestions

You want to make sure that only families that are not viable for enrollment are in the Lost Opportunity status. Profiles that are duplicates, invalid, spam or test records should be Rejected. If you have families that are in the pipeline for long periods of time, families who were no shows at tours, or families who are non-responsive, all such families should be moved to the Lost Opportunity status.

  • Suggestion 1: Send a group communication quarterly to re-engage these families based on Status Date, Guardian Date or Child Birth Date range.

  • Suggestion 2: Create a Marketing Campaign to solicit families based on a Lost Opportunity Reason, Child Expected Start Date or by an Age Group.

  • Suggestion 3: Offer a discount (free registration, percentage off of tuition) to families based on Child Expected Start Date, or the Lost Opportunity Reasons of “Tuition Too High” or “Cannot Afford”.

Marketing Campaign ROI

About & How To Use

ROI stands for Return on Investment. Marketing dollars are an investment, and if you use marketing campaign costs and child estimated revenues, this report can help you identify which of your campaigns have the best returns.

Depending on which view you select, this report will show you figures like:

  • Marketing costs per enrolled child, so you can see which campaigns had the lowest cost to fill vacancies

  • Cost per waitlisted child, again so you can see which campaigns had the lowest costs per waitlisted child, and allowing you to confirm whether those waitlisted children cost more or less than the waitlist fee you charge

  • Total estimated lifetime revenue for all children that were enrolled, allowing you to compare estimated revenue from campaign cost to determine which were most profitable and should be repeated

Common Filters

By default, these reports come unfiltered because the reports tend to be small and easily digestible. However, you can click the "Add Filters" icon to add filters. You might filter on Marketing Campaign Name and just select a few campaigns to review, for example, or filter on Campaign Start Date and only view campaigns that were launched in a given calendar year.

Benchmarks & Suggestions

Generally, you want to make sure that your Estimated Lifetime Revenue of Enrolled is significantly higher than your Campaign Costs. A significantly higher Estimated Annual Revenue of Enrolled is even better. Consider running more campaigns like those that have estimated revenues that are several times the cost.

If several campaigns meet the above criteria and you have limited marketing dollars, consider running more campaigns like those with the lowest Cost Per Enrolled, as those can result in getting the most new enrollments for the lowest marketing costs.

Marketing Source

About & How To Use

Customers use the Marketing Source report to analyze the effectiveness of different marketing channels. Awareness of the efficiency of marketing dollars spent to source new families ensures resources are appropriately used and marketing dollars are spent in a way that produces maximum outcomes.

Common Filters

Customers often filter this report by child or guardian status to help them understand the enrollment outcomes based on marketing source.


  • View this report as a chart to visualize your most effective and least effective marketing channels.

  • Best practice is that your "Family Source" drop down menu should not have more than 12 items--longer lists tend to frustrate staff into just picking random values. If you want your reporting data to be reliable, make sure your list is manageable for users to be able to enter accurate information.

  • Think about the order of your list--alphabetical is not always the best option. If you know where the majority of your traffic is from, put your most used options at the top of the list.

  • Enable and use the Marketing Campaign feature if you're not already--Marketing Source is broad, but a marketing campaign can be very specific and detailed and really give you an impression of your Return on Investment (ROI).

Scheduled Tasks

About & How to Use

Customers use the Scheduled Tasks report to view tasks scheduled for your staff across a single or multiple locations. You can monitor past due tasks in a malleable table format to ensure tasks are being completed on time and as assigned. You can also review consistency of prior task completion.

Common Filters

Customers often filter this report by Task Due Date, Assignee, Task Type and Assigned by Staff.

Benchmarks & Suggestions

The recommended benchmark for this report is to have a 90% task completion rate, so if less than 10 % of your tasks that have been created during the designated timeframe are past due, you’re doing great – keep it up!

If you’re greater than 10% past due don’t fret! Here are common reasons why and suggestions for improvement

  • Reason: Tasks are being completed outside of LineLeader Enrol; therefore, they are not marked completed in the system.

    • Suggestion: Review Workflow Automations to ensure tasks are cancelled based on Stop Triggers when more intuitive changes are made such as a status change.

    • Suggestion: Review procedures with staff, emphasizing the value of completing tasks in LineLeader Enrol

  • Reason: The task is redundant.

    • Suggestion: Review and clean-up Workflow Automations

  • Reason: Tasks are being created outside of Workflow Automations

    • Suggestion: Filter by “Assigned by Staff” field to determine if a specific staff member is creating and assigning tasks instead of allowing the Workflow Automations to create and automatically assign tasks.

Stalled Families

About & How To Use

The Stalled Families report is designed to identify those families who still have unenrolled children that haven't yet been marked as Lost Opportunity and haven't been contacted in a while.

You can click on each row of the results of the table view to open that family's Family Hub page and then choose whether to move the family to Lost Opportunity status or do some outreach (either contacting them immediately or scheduling future tasks / messages).

Common Filters

By default, these reports come with three filters:

  1. A status filter to remove families that have already been moved to Lost Opportunity status or have already had all their children enrolled.

  2. A filter that by default shows families that have not been contacted in two or more weeks--feel free to click that filter and change the date.

  3. An API filter to remove API-sourced families. (A family record that came from the API usually means the record came from another program, such as a Childcare Management System)--feel free to remove this filter if you wish to see API-sourced families.

Benchmarks & Suggestions

Best practice is to set a goal where no family goes for more than X days without being contacted. To do that, set the Last Contacted filter to whatever that date is, and remove every family from this report that appears--clicking on each row and either changing the children/guardian to Lost Opportunity status (if they've gone stale), or sending them another communication (if they still seem worth pursuing). Doing so on a regular basis will help ensure that you aren't losing opportunities to fill your classes or waitlists due to families slipping through the cracks.

For example, you might run this report twice a week, set the last contacted date to three days ago, and move families that haven't responded to you in a month to Lost Opportunity. Then reach out to those who have responded to you within the last month, ignoring those with a tour scheduled and only reaching out to waitlisted families every 3 months to ask if they're still interested.

Tours & Meetings

About & How to Use

Customers use the Tours & Meetings report under Standard Reports > Task Reports to view the status of tours, virtual tours, or meetings you or your staff have scheduled and/or completed as well as the results of the event.

Common Filters

Customers often filter this report by Task Date, Task Type, Status of the Task, or Guardian Added Date.

Benchmarks & Suggestions

The core benchmark for this report is getting 90% of Tours/Virtual Tours completed, so if more than 90% of your tours & meetings are being completed, you’re doing great – keep it up!

If you’re less than 90% don’t fret! Here are common reasons why, and suggestions for improvement

  • Reason: Staff are not completing the tour task on the task due date.

    • Suggestion: Review procedures with your staff to ensure they understand the necessity of completing tour tasks as they are due.

    • Suggestion: Utilize the Today’s Tours feature in LineLeader Enrol to complete tours as they occur.

  • Reason: Families are not showing up for their tours as scheduled.

    • Suggestion: Ensure you are sending the “Reschedule” tour link in your confirmation and reminder messages.

    • Suggestion: Review the timing of your reminder messages to ensure they are reaching the parent at least 24 hours before the event and again at 45 minutes prior to the event.

Trend Tracking

About & How To Use

This report counts families or children (your choice) over time. You can pick how many time periods you want to view and if you want to see trends by Status, by Inquiry Type, by Family Source, or by Marketing Campaign.

For example, you could view counts by Inquiry Type with several weekly periods to make sure that your Phone and Walk-In families are remaining consistent (ensuring staff are entering them appropriately). You could also view counts by Marketing Campaign to determine how long after a campaign ends new families contact you or see if increasing Google Ads bid amounts result in a bump in new families contacting you.

Common Filters

Trend Tracking reports don't have filters by default. You can click the Add Filter icon, select the field you've decided to report on (e.g. if you're looking at Trend Tracking by Inquiry Type, you might select Inquiry Type) and then remove Inquiry Type values that you don't care to include.

Benchmarks & Suggestions

Benchmarks for this report are very situational. For example, if you are doing a long-running radio ad, you would expect the trends to remain stable over time; a decline might warrant a call to the radio station to confirm your ad is still playing at the agreed-upon times. On the other hand, a newspaper ad on a single day would not be expected to have an enduring impact. Common sense and thoughtfulness will dictate what trends you would expect to see, and deviation from those trends would warrant investigation.

Wait List

*If your company has a different term for this status, the report name will be the same as the term your company uses.

About & How To Use

Customers use the Wait List report to show all the children who are in the Wait List status in your pipeline. The Wait List status allows you to capture families waiting for the specific situation to progress (usually waiting for a classroom opening) and this report allows you to have reporting and filtering capabilities to help you fill classroom openings easily when the opportunity arises.

Common Filters

Most often, this report is unfiltered. When filters are used, Status Date, Guardian Added Date, Child Birthdate, and Expected Start Date are the most used filters.

Suggestions for Use

  • Suggestion 1: Routinely monitor the children in the Wait List status and review how long a child has been in the status. Add a “Review” or “Text” task to the family profile to gauge follow up steps.

  • Suggestion 2: Send a quarterly group communication to waitlisted families to gauge if they’ve found care elsewhere or still need to remain on your Wait List.

  • Suggestion 3: If families don’t respond to Suggestion 2, move the family to Lost Opportunity

    If you have any further questions on the Standard Reports in LineLeader Enroll please contact

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