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LineLeader Enroll - Action Dashboard
LineLeader Enroll - Action Dashboard

Get to know our Action Dashboard and all of the wonderful features if offers!

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over a week ago

To give our users a better daily experience, we've made significant changes to the Action Dashboard by reducing scrolling and especially reducing the need to click around the system to get everything done. All staff can now find everything that needs attention today in one spot--whether it's reviewing a pending family, reading and responding to a received text or Facebook message, listening to a recorded call, or completing an assigned task, it's all in one place--the Action Dashboard!

The Action Dashboard consolidates all tasks a location director needs to accomplish today into one page:

  • The first table includes everything that should be addressed ASAP:

    • Pending families that need to be accepted or rejected

    • Unprocessed communications, like unread text messages or unread emails

  • The second table includes items that have a scheduled deadline—the table defaults to showing items due today:

    • Assigned tasks, like scheduled texts or reviews

    • (Optionally) Scheduled tours and meetings

The Action Dashboard continues to provide a calendar view that can switch between daily, weekly, and monthly views with one click.

It shows registered and enrolled children who are scheduled to start soon.

Replaces the Recently Modified table of families with a Recently Viewed table—so if you viewed a family but didn’t change anything, it still gets listed for easy future reference.

Features a series of chevrons (arrows) showing the number of children in each status. Clicking on a chevron opens a list of the families in the status clicked.

And finally, the Action Dashboard has a checkbox so you can make the dashboard’s data focus just on tasks you need to complete or show tasks assigned to anyone at your location(s).

Who can access this feature?

Everyone who uses LineLeader Enroll.

How is this used?

Here’s what the Action Dashboard looks like:

To break it down….

The Header

  1. The top of the page starts with a checkbox that allows you to see everything happening at your location(s) or just focus on your own personal deliverables.

  2. You can see how many children are in each status at a glance. (A childless family is assumed to have one child.) And each status can be clicked to open the Families page pre-filtered to just show families in the clicked status.


The Action Dashboard features three tabs and an optional fourth tab:

To Do

The “To Do” tab has two expanding/collapsing sections—a “Pending Families & Messages” section and a “Tasks” or “Tasks, Tours & Meetings” section:

On the “Pending Families & Messages” section:

  1. Centralized boxes show how many of the pending items are pending families and how many are unprocessed communications. These are clickable buttons in case you want to focus attention on just one type of item.

  2. A Bulk Actions button allows you to mass approve pending families, mass reject pending families, and mass mark communications as having been read / listened-to.

  3. The entire section can be collapsed to just show the header, freeing up space to focus on the other section.

  4. You can send text and email messages to any family by clicking the Add Msg button.

  5. Potential duplicate families continue to be marked as before.

  6. Each row of the table has an Action button that will offer options specific to each item type. For example, clicking on a Pending Family will allow you to view, accept or reject the family in question.

On the “Tasks” or “Tasks, Tours & Meetings” section:

  1. Centralized boxes show how many items are past due, due today, and due in the future. These are also clickable buttons. You can flip the “Enable multiselect” toggle on if you want to have two or all three buttons clicked at once.

  2. A Bulk Actions button allows you to mass cancel items and mass complete items.

  3. The entire section can be collapsed to just show the header, freeing up space to focus on the other section.

  4. You can filter the table by a specific item Type, for example to just see Phone items.

  5. You can search by guardian name, item type, assignee, location, or date. (The search bar ignores the Past / Today / Future buttons.)

  6. You can add tasks and meetings for any family by clicking the “Add” button.

  7. Each row of the table has an Action button that will offer options specific to each item type. For example, clicking on a Phone task will allow you to cancel, edit or complete that Phone task.


  1. The search bar finds specific calendar items.

  2. If you have access to multiple locations, you can select the location(s) you want to view calendar items for.

  3. An Add button can add a calendar item (but see #5 below).

  4. A row of controls allows you to determine how many days to view at once and what timeframe to view.

  5. Clicking to highlight a range of time in the calendar opens the Add Meeting window with the selected time pre-populated.

  6. Existing calendar items appear, showing the time, type of item and guardian’s name. Items that are past due and still need to be resolved as Complete or Not Completed (or rescheduled) are in red.

Child Starts (Optional)

  1. You can look at records from different time periods.

  2. Clicking a row within the table opens that family’s Family Hub page.

This table shows the following records:

  • Children in Registered status with an Expected Start Date within the specified time range.

  • Children in Enrolled status with an Actual Start Date within the specified time range.

This table does NOT consider “Child Start” tasks. if you use Child Start tasks, we recommend disabling this tab. See “Options” below.

Recently Viewed

Family Hub pages that you have recently viewed appear here.

Mousing over a row will show the names of children, if any. Clicking a row opens that family’s Family Hub page.

This table will start populating after you start using the Action Dashboard. It will appear empty at first but as you view families they will be added until your most recent 20 appear.


If you have access to "Settings" gear icons, clicking the gear icon when viewing the Location Dashboard will give you the ability to do two things to the Location Dashboard:

  1. Determine whether the second section on the To Do tab includes or excludes Tasks and Meetings

  2. Determine whether the Child Starts tab is visible

Note that your organization might not give everyone access to these icons.

In Conclusion

The Action Dashboard is quite a bit different from the previous dashboard, and the functionality in the To Do section in the lefthand navigation has been merged into the Action Dashboard as well. But this change centralizes just about everything location staff need to do on a daily basis into one convenient place. Play around with the Action dashboard, explore, and if you have anything you can't figure out, please let our customer service team know:

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