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PLR: Setting-Up Default Group Auto-Enrollment & Registration Questions (& Profile Fields mapping)
PLR: Setting-Up Default Group Auto-Enrollment & Registration Questions (& Profile Fields mapping)
Written by Imogen Shelton
Updated this week

To access and configure the Admin Settings in Manage for Parent Led Registration setup, and the Registration Questions for the child in-take form (i.e. questions on your registration site) specifically, go to "Admin" (in the left-hand side navigation menu) > Configuration> Registration > Configure

How to Create a Default Group & Auto Enrollment

As parents and guardians complete the in-take forms on the parent-registration platform the new child/registration will be added to a default "Group" in Manage for your organization's team to review and process.

Think of this default Group is a "holding" Group that will allow you to see and review all new registrations and, upon processing and approval, move them into the actual "Groups" designated for Programs and Classrooms.

So, first things first - before you can select a Group for this "Auto Enroll Group" under Admin > Configuration> Registration - you will need to first create a default Group for this purpose. To add Group - go to: Manage > Groups > Add Group. Give it a name like "Processing Group" or "New Registrations".

Once that is complete you can setup the registration system to auto-enroll all new registrants to that Group. Go to:

Admin>Settings> Config>Registration select from the Auto-Enroll drop-down

Set to the Group created for processing.

Required Emergency Contacts/Additional Pickups

Also under Admin>Settings> Config>Registration you will find the "Required Emergency Contacts/Additional Pickups" field

This is an optional setting - A safety protocol to ensure out-of-school markets meet minimum state requirements. It will require how many adult contacts must be entered along with the new child registration.

e.g. California must have a certain number of contacts/guardians associated on the child’s profile before they may move forward with processing to select desired programs.

Customized Registration Questions

Configure your registration questions and settings that you want to ask on the child in-take form: Admin>Settings> Config>Registration

LineLeader has core, pre-loaded and non-customizable questions that pre-populate for all registration forms:

Child Questions:

  1. First and

  2. Last Name

  3. Date of Birth

  4. Grade

  5. Gender

Parent / Guardian Questions:

  1. First Name

  2. Last Name

  3. Relationship to Child

  4. Primary Phone #

  5. Alt Phone #

  6. Email Address

  7. Physical Address

  8. City

  9. State

  10. Zip

  11. Checkbox selection:

    1. Primary Caregiver

    2. Authorized Pickup

    3. Emergency Contact

Beyond these default questions you are free to add your own! See more on this below.

Pro Tip - Do these two things BEFORE you start entering questions in the UI:

  1. Determine the order you want to ask questions in:

    1. Currently the UI will not allow you to reorder (drag and drop) questions (without starting over) so it is important to determine all your questions ahead of time for efficient set-up.

  2. Determine (and set-up) the Profile Fields (the field names) each question will map to and set those up first

    1. When a registration form is filled out and the child is enrolled a Child Profile will be created in Manage for all your ongoing CMS needs such as billing, etc. The child's profile will have several fields of information on that child and many of these fields can auto-populate (map) from the answers provided to the questions in the registration form.

    2. When you are creating your registration questions you will be asked to select which field to map them to - So the fields should be set-up first so they are available for selection. Many will be pre-built but if you need a custom field reach out to LineLeader for creation.

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**The LineLeader team is happy to provide you with a working template you can use to think through your registration questions outside of the UI prior to system configuration. This template can help you easily work through the question order, wording, answer format and more before you commit. Ask you onboarding specialist to provide you a copy (it is often pre-delivered in your implementation checklist materials).**

Setup your Profile Fields

All of your registration questions are going to map to profile fields that can be viewed in Child Profiles and in the Profile Report.

If you are an Admin or have Advanced Roles and Permissions for editing fields then you have the ability to modify and maintain Profile Fields.

Registration Questions Set-up

Type: How can an end user respond? Use one of the dropdown options. Depending on the option selected review the appropriate secondary questions that will follow.

  • Text

  • Date

  • Select List – Single Choice (Tip: ensure your profile field data matches your drop down menu choices)

  • Checkbox

  • Checkbox - Multiple Choice

  • Conditional – Yes/No

Question - What is the question you would like to appear on the registration form? Be precise in wording as this is exactly how it will appear for end users.

You will need to select if each question is optional or Required via the checkbox.

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Map to Profile Field: What field would you like the question's response to map to in the Child's Profile in the CMS? You can view some default Profile fields in the system, but custom ones can be created as well.

URL - If you would like this question to include a hyperlink to a URL (associated content) please provide the URL. i.e. this link may provide a helpful resources like FAQs or it may be a link to something like you "Student Handbook" for a registration question such as "I have read and understood the Student Handbook" - Y/N.

See an example below of how a question may display on the registration form:

A screenshot of a registration form

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