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Organization Info Tab

Learn how to add new sites and build out a hierarchy that reflects your organizational structure!

Madison Carlson avatar
Written by Madison Carlson
Updated over 9 months ago

Graphic showing how to make photos on this web site larger.


From the "Organization Info" tab, administrators are be able to create and edit their own sites within LineLeader. An organization, or site, is typically a single location where care is provided. This may be a center, a school, or an extracurricular location. From this tab, users can create new locations with ease.

The Organization Info tab is visible to all administrators with access to the site settings at their location. While only admins from the top most site in the organization can add or edit locations, this page can also be serve as an organization directory for all admins in your organization.


  1. To navigate to this area first click the “admin” the bottom left corner of the page.

  2. From here select the “Organization Info” tab from the top navigation bar.

Navigation to the Organization Info page

Site Details

Note: Only users with access to the top-most organization in your hierarchy can add or edit site fields.

Users can click the “Add Org Unit” button. This will create a database for a new site immediately. (An "org unit," or organizational unit, is a flexible term used to describe any part of an organization's structure that can interact with a database. This definition is intentionally broad to accommodate a variety of hierarchical levels within an organization, such as regions, districts, states, or specific operational databases.)

The following fields are available:

  • Organization Name: Enter the name of the site you are configuring. This should be the official name as it will appear throughout the hierarchy and is visible to parents.

  • ID: This is a unique identifier for the location, generated automatically by the system when you create a new site. You do not need to enter anything in this field as it will populate once the site is created.

  • Reports To: Use this field to define the hierarchical structure of your organization by specifying which existing site or level this new site reports to.

    • For example, if you open a new site in a region you’ve called “Western Territory” you would select “Western Territory” for the new site’s “Reports To”. This helps maintain organizational clarity and structure.

    • An important thing to note here is that almost all of the settings for the “Reports To” site will be copied into the new site you are creating, except for Groups. This will reduce data entry as you only need to edit those settings that are different rather than enter every setting from scratch.

    • Tip: Setting up template databases can be a powerful way to save time! Try to configure sites that have sub-organization sites carefully to minimize the information you need to configure at each sub-site.

  • Do other sites report to this site? Select 'Yes' if other sites will report to this one. This establishes this site as a higher-level entity within your organizational hierarchy. Only sites with "Yes" in this setting will appear in the "Reports to" drop down list for future use.

  • Short Code: This is an optional 3-digit code used to represent the school. This code is occasionally used in integrations between Manage and other third-party providers.

  • Timezone: This sets the time zone that the specific org being created is located in.

  • Legal Facility Name: This is essential for locations based in California, so this provides a place to store this data.

  • Facility License Number: This is essential for locations based in California, so provides a place to store this data.

  • Phone Number: The location’s phone number.

  • Street Address: The location’s address.

  • City: The location’s city.

  • State: The location’s two letter state abbreviation.

  • Zip: The location’s five digit zip code.

  • Web Site: The location’s website.

Tip: Because most settings copy from the “Reports To” site to the newly created site, it is important to know that when the hierarchy is initially being set up, the topmost site in the org should be treated as a template for other sites going forward. For a seamless process, make sure it is filled out with the most common data used across majority of the sites in the organization since most of this data will be automatically propagated to the dependent sites once they are created.

Screenshot of the Basic Information modal--where site details are entered

Fields can be edited by clicking the “Edit” button next to the field.

Clicking the pencil icon next to a table's name allows you to rename that organization level. (For example, if you call your locations “Schools” you can change the name of the bottom table to “Schools”.) The ability to see inactive sites is now available as well by clicking the “Include Inactive” toggle switch on the right side of the screen.

Once this information is filled out all the sites are created this will render a visual hierarchy of the entire organization.

Reminder: Adding new locations to your hierarchy may result in additional monthly fees. The specific charges depend on the terms outlined in your existing contract.

Using this tool will streamline the process of creating and adding new sites to an org by creating a template for the entire org to be created from, while also providing additional benefits of creating a directory and a visual hierarchy of the entire Organization.

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