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Able to Work At: Granting Staff Access to Multiple Locations
Able to Work At: Granting Staff Access to Multiple Locations

The "Able to Work At" feature allows admins to grant their staff permission to be "floating staff", i.e. to work at other locations.

Written by David Weiss
Updated over 9 months ago

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Sometimes staff need to be loaned out to another location that’s shorthanded. LineLeader’s Manage platform now supports staff logging hours at multiple sites.

To Enable This Feature

Ask your corporate admin to contact LineLeader support to request the “designateStaffWorkLocations” customization to be enabled. And inform LineLeader which Roles should have Read access to this feature, and which should have Write access.

After the feature has been enabled and Role permissions set….

To View/Edit the Locations Where a Staff Can Work

Simply navigate to a given staff’s Profile page. Underneath “Default Group” you will see two new fields….

Primary Site: shows the person’s “home” location for HR/reporting/management purposes

Able to work at: shows other locations that staff can log into

If you have edit/write permissions, you can grant staff the ability to work at other locations (by adding said locations to the “Able to work at” field). That person will receive email invitations to become a user at the selected location(s).

A screenshot showing the "Primary Site" field and "Able to work at" field after the Default Group field on the Staff profile

(Note that a staff or administrator has to have already accepted their original email invitation to become a user of the system before these two fields will appear on their profile.)

After a person accepts the invitation(s) to become a user at multiple locations, they will be able to switch sites in the mobile app and have PIN codes to enter and check in at the selected locations.

Simply update the “Able to work at” field to remove the location(s) where you no longer want staff to work.

Organizations with an ADP integration will see that workers’ hours (including overtime) allocated to the location worked at. This is true whether the state worked in calculates overtime weekly or daily.

Key Things to Note

  • The "Able to Work At" list will never show the primary site, as access is already implied.

  • User profile details like employee ID and pay rate are shared across all granted locations.

  • If reactivating access at a past work site, the system will sync the latest profile details accordingly.

  • For ADP integration, the payroll export will list the employee's hours organized by work location and apply overtime calculations consistently.

  • Upon termination or transfer in ADP, all associated site accounts for that employee ID will be deactivated or updated respectively.

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