The Manage/Enroll unified integration automatically links Enroll records and Manage records together based on various criteria, mainly name. If you want to manually link two records together, or change an existing link, now you can!
(For example, if a name appears as "Ta'Quan" in one system and "TaQuan" in the other and the system doesn't automatically link them, you can now manually link them.)
The Process
The process is very simple, if you are a corporate administrator. (Center staff do not have the ability to edit links.)
1. Find the record ID number in Enroll that you want to link to. It can be found on the record's "Edit" window, whether a guardian, child, or additional contact:
2. Navigate to the record in Manage that you want to link to.
3. Click the three-dot menu.
4. Select "Manage Enroll Link"
5. A window will appear that shows the manage record on the left and the currently linked Enroll record (if any) on the right. To change the record, click the search spyglass icon next to the current Enroll ID:
6. Select the type of record you're linking and enter the desired record number in the window that appears:
7. Confirm that you've linked to the correct Enroll record. Then click Confirm. (If you discover you entered the wrong ID, simply click Cancel and start over.)
And that's it! The Manage record will link to the Enroll record you specified and the Enroll record you specified will link to the Manage record. And if you replaced a link, the old link will be broken.
A few notes....
Note that relinking parent records has no impact on related child records or vice-versa. For example, if you want to relink a parent and relink their related child, you have to go through the above process twice.
(Note that if you want to reject a duplicate Enroll record or deactivate a duplicate Manage record, you can use this process to ensure that no records you want to keep are linked to any records you want to remove.)
If you have any questions, please feel free to chat with our support team.