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(Legacy CRM) System Privileges

This article will explain how a user can adjust system privileges for their staff.

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 3 weeks ago

How to Assign System Privileges to Staff Members:

If you want to assign certain privileges to your Staff Members, you can do so under the System Privileges tab:

By left clicking on the name of a Staff Member, you will be directed to the page below:

On this page, you can check which areas of the ChildCareCRM system your Staff Members will access to.

-A check indicates that a Staff Member will have access to that area. 

-A blank box indicates that a Staff Member will not have access to that area

-Alternatively, if you want to give a Staff Member access to every single area, you can simply left click on the Check All button. 

-Additionally, if you don’t want to give your Staff Member access to anything, you can click on the Uncheck all button. 

-Or, you can do Uncheck all, and then check which boxes you want your Staff Members to have access to.

Once you are done assigning areas, you will then scroll down towards the bottom of the page and click on the "Save" button.

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