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Introducing Automated PIN Codes

We've introduced a new time-saving feature that automatically assigns PIN codes to Family members.

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over a year ago

Automated PIN Code Assignment

Our system can now automatically generate a unique 4-digit PIN code for all family members and authorized pickups.

  • When an account is created, a PIN will be randomly assigned to that person.

  • Staff no longer have to manually create codes for every family person, saving valuable time!

Automated Emails of PIN Codes

Anytime a new PIN code is assigned to a Family, that person will receive an email containing their 4-digit PIN number after they accept their invitation to create their user account.

New PIN codes will be assigned to Authorized Pickups but they won't receive an email because they don't receive invitations to create user accounts.

We hope this feature makes it even simpler for families and authorized users to get started with pickup/drop-off and account access! Let us know if you have any questions.

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