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Receiving Overpayment via the Payer Status Widget
Receiving Overpayment via the Payer Status Widget

Learn how to log an overpayment by a third party subsidy

Madison Carlson avatar
Written by Madison Carlson
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes, a subsidy may pay you more than you originally invoiced a child for. This can occur for several reasons including receipt of grants or bonuses, incorrect invoicing, voucher changes, and more.

You may easily log the receipt of a subsidy overpayment from the Payer Status widget.

  1. Tap Billing > Overview > Receive Payments

  2. Adjust your filters to select a payer and date range before tapping “Update”

  3. Tap to expand a child’s summary line item

  4. Select the checkbox for the invoice(s) for which you are logging payment

  5. In the “Amount to Apply” box, enter the full receipt of payment. In this example, we originally invoiced $750.25. However, the subsidy provided $800, which is the amount we will enter into the box.

  6. The system will automatically detect that the “Amount to apply” is greater than the original amount invoiced. A new box will appear asking what you would like to do with the overage, in this case $49.75

  7. From the “Apply Overpayment” box, select the destination of the overpayment. You have several options

    1. Adjustment Account: Adjust the amount of the overpayment to a designated adjustment account for when you do not wish to log the overpayment as revenue by creating a new invoice

    2. Agency Refund Account: Adjust the amount of the overpayment to a ledger that is designated to be returned to the subsidy at a later date outside of Manage.

      1. Note: Accounting activity currently maps to the Agency Adjustment General Ledger.

    3. Credit Memo – Payer: Creates a “Prepaid [Payer Name]” credit memo to the parent’s account. This credit will only be usable by the third-party payer in the future.

    4. Credit Memo - [Parent’s Name]: Creates an “Excess/Overpayment by [Payer Name]” credit memo to the parent’s account. This credit will be usable by the parent in the future.

    5. Unapplied Cash Account: Log the receipt of an overpayment and place the overpayment in a holding pattern until you determine where to place those funds. In this instance, admins may log the receipt of these funds and manage the balance completely outside of Manage

      1. Note: To ensure this accounting data is mapped to the correct ledgers, please ensure the fields are properly mapped. To learn more, visit Understanding Ledger Billing Maps if you utilize an accounting integration with LineLeader.

  8. Continue this process for all of the children on your remittance form. If you need to navigate away from this page, you will be asked if you’d like to save your progress as a draft. You may return to your draft at any time to resume your reconciliation process.

    1. If you choose to save a draft, other users will be blocked from reconciling the same period for the same payer you are working on. This prohibits users from reconciling the same data and overriding a coworker’s progress.

  9. When complete, tap “Submit Now” to apply your credits to the invoices selected.

  10. You will be prompted to enter in a check number or reference number.

  11. After tapping "Yes, confirm payment(s)", you will be asked if you’d like to create a batch deposit for this amount.

    1. By selecting “Create Deposit” you will be prompted to enter a memo or reference number. Saving this entry will immediately create a grouped deposit on the Bank Reconciliation Report and Ledger Detail Report

    2. By selecting "Continue without deposit" these credit will instead be sent to the "Recent Manual Payments" widget where they can later be batched into a larger deposit.

      1. Note: You must have a mapping set for “Undeposited Funds” for this process. To configure this setting tap Billing > Configuration > Settings > Billing Ledger Maps > Undeposited Funds.

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