Enrollment Paths in Enroll
Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over a week ago

What are “Enrollment Paths”?

Users of our legacy platform may recognize these under the previous term, “Additional Opportunities”. For everyone else….

There are times when a child passes through the enrollment process multiple times. A couple examples:

· A child is enrolled in a class/program and is on a wait list for their next class/program because there are no expected vacancies.

· A waitlisted child ends up enrolling elsewhere but two years later enrolls due to your marketing efforts

Your system automatically creates multiple records of the child in order to accurately reflect such situations. Multiple records allow a child to be in multiple statuses at once, allows the results of different marketing campaigns to have their successes and failures accurately reported, etc. Each record constitutes an “Enrollment Path”.

How are additional “Enrollment Paths” created?

The system automatically creates a new record, a new Enrollment Path, whenever a child record is moved from Enrolled or Lost Opportunity back to any status prior to Enrolled.

How are children with multiple “Enrollment Paths” displayed?

On the Family Hub, records in the Child table will automatically default to showing the most recent record. Where the child being shown has multiple Enrollment Paths, an exponent will appear after the child’s name indicating which record is being shown (e.g. the second record will show a 2, the third record will show a 3, etc.).

Clicking the row of such a child will open the Edit Child modal as usual, except both previous and current records of the child will be available for viewing and editing.

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