Deleting Children and Families in Enroll
Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over a week ago

How does it help users?

Being able to delete records from the system ensures that the data will never show up in any report.

Who can access this feature?

Anyone with the correct permissions.

How is this used?

User Permissions

· In CRM, everyone can delete children and guardians.

· In the Quack Pack version, access can be enabled/disabled via Settings > User Information > View/Edit User > + User Permissions > Delete Rejected Families / Bulk Delete Rejected Families.

To Delete a Child Record

1) Open that child’s Family Hub page

2) Click on the child’s row to open the Edit Child modal

3) If the child’s status isn’t “Rejected”, change the child’s status to “Rejected” (or whatever your system calls this status) and click Save

4) Click on the child’s row to open the Edit Child modal again

5) Click the “Delete This Child” button on the bottom right; this button only appears for records in “Rejected” status

6) Click OK

To Delete a Family Record

1) Open the family’s Family Hub page

2) If there are any children, delete them following the steps above

3) Click on the primary guardian’s row to open the Edit Primary Guardian modal

4) If the guardian’s status isn’t “Rejected”, change the status to “Rejected” (or whatever your system calls this status) and click Save

5) Click on the primary guardian’s row to open the Edit Primary Guardian modal again

6) Click the “Delete This Family” button on the bottom right; this button only appears for records in “Rejected” status

7) Click OK

To Delete Multiple Family Records

This feature is only available in the CRM + Quack Pack system. Only families where all records are in “Rejected” status (or whatever your system calls this status) may be deleted.

1) On the Families table, filter the results to only show records in Rejected status

2) Click “Group Action”

3) Uncheck any records you do not want to delete

4) Click “Next”

5) Select “Bulk Delete Families”

6) Click “Delete These Families”

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