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(Legacy CRM) Deleting a Lead or Child Record

This article will discuss how a user can delete a lead or child from the system.

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 2 months ago

To Delete a Lead Record that has No Children:

1. Select the Lead record you want to remove from the system:

2. Edit the Lead record and change the Status to “Rejected

Note: If the Lead record is in an Archive status, you must first revert to an Active status in order to gain access to the "Rejected" status.

3. A window will popup for you to select the Reason you are Rejecting the Lead:

4. Click SAVE after selecting the reason:

5. Edit the Lead again and select “Delete” from the options at the top of the screen.

Note: If you do not have a "Delete" option, contact your corporate system administrator to either gain access or to have them delete the record.

6.  Click “Yes” when prompted if you really want to delete this Lead.

7.  Once you click "Yes," the Lead will be permanently deleted from the system.

To Delete a Lead Record that has One Child Record (or Delete the only Child on a Lead):

1. Select the Lead record you want to remove from the system:

2. Edit the Child and change the Status to “Rejected

Note: If Child record is in an Archive status, you must first revert to an Active status in order to gain access to the "Rejected" status.

3. A window will popup for you to select the Reason you are Rejecting the Child:  

4.   Edit the Child again and select “Delete” from the options at the top of the screen.


5.  A window will popup asking if you want to Delete the Child or the Child and Lead since this is the last or only child on the Lead.

6.  Select the appropriate answer and click “Yes” to Delete the Child or Child and Lead from your system. 

Note: If  you do NOT Delete the Lead, the Lead will return to its original Status before you had entered the Child into the system.


To Delete a Lead with Two or more Children (or Delete multiple Children on a Lead)

1. To remove a Lead with multiple Children from the system, you must first Delete all Children.

2. Select each Child you want to remove from the System.

3. Edit each Child, change each Status to “Rejected” and click SAVE.

Note: If Child record is in an Archive status, you must first revert to an Active status in order to gain access to the "Rejected" status.

4. A window will popup on each Child for you to select the Reason you are rejecting the Child record.

5. Click SAVE after selecting the reason and the Child will now be in the Rejected Status.

6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for all Children until they are all have a Status of Rejected.

1. Select the first Child you want to remove and click on “Delete” at the top of the screen.

2. A window will popup asking if you are sure you want to Delete the Child from your system.

3. Click “Yes” if you want to continue and remove the Child from your system.

4. Repeat steps 7through 9 for each Child until you get to the last remaining Child on the Lead.

5. When you click on “Delete” for the last Child associated to that Lead you will have the option of deleting the Child, Lead or Both.

6. Select the appropriate answer and click “Yes” to Delete the Child or Child and Lead from system.

Note: If you do NOT Delete the Lead, the Lead will return to its original Status before you had entered the Child into the system.

Mass Deletion: 

If your system has provided your user account with "delete" access, you can also mass delete Rejected Leads.  

When clicking on the Archive tab and then the Rejected sub-tab, you can select multiple records for Deletion. 

Note: You can only mass delete lead records that have no child records in them.  If the lead has Child records in it, the Child record(s) must first be deleted individually. There is no mass delete function to do so.

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