Updated: 5.8.23
LineLeader Enroll & Manage are primarily web based products. LineLeader Engage is a mobile app product. Below is a guideline to requirements for operating these products.
Browser Requirements:
LineLeader Enroll & Manage are optimized to work best on the latest version of the Google Chrome browser. However, all modern browsers should provide great performance.
Hardware Requirements:
While LineLeader does not have strict hardware requirements, we highly recommend using devices made within the past four years for optimal performance, particularly with our Engage product. Older devices are still supported but may experience degraded performance.
Software Requirements:
In terms of mobile devices, we support the following:
iOS: Devices running iOS 13 and above, with optimized performance on iOS 15 and above.
Android: Devices running Android 10 and above, with optimized performance on Android 12 and above.
Connectivity Requirements:
For an optimal experience on the LineLeader platform, a business-class internet connection is recommended. However, the platform will still function with lower-speed connections. When using our Engage platform, users with internet speeds slower than 12 Mbps may experience degraded performance. To fully take advantage of the features and capabilities of our platform, we suggest ensuring a stable and fast internet connection.