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(Legacy CRM) 6 Reports for Director Success
(Legacy CRM) 6 Reports for Director Success

This article will describe which reports you should run everyday if you are a director.

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 2 months ago

Here is a list of the Top Six Reports to run for the day-to-day management and analysis of your center:

 Current Opportunity Report (Reports>>Opportunities>>Current Opportunities)

a.  Leave all filtering and selection criteria as defaulted

b.  Click "View" and see all your Active Opportunities for your center

c.  Take special note of the last two columns on the report

  i.  "Next Contact Date" should have a date on all Leads. This date is the date of the next Task that should have been set up on the Lead. No Task and this field is blank. No Task and the Lead has a possibility of falling through the cracks.

 ii.  "Expected Start Date" should have a date in all Leads, or at least those Leads with Children. This helps you to focus on the Opportunities that are interested in starting in the next couple weeks and filter them out from the hundred you might have. Usually, there is not time to contact everyone each week, and this helps you focus on the most important Leads.  If filled out, there are other reports and alerts to help you manage these Leads in a timely manner.


Child Starts Report (Reports>>Children>>Child Starts)

a. Leave all filtering and selection criteria as defaulted EXCEPT for the Expected Start Date (End) field. 

b. Put the current date in this field to see those children who were supposed to start on or before today

c. Put a date one or two weeks into the future to see all those children that desire to start within that week or two so you can focus on those opportunities

d. Click View and see the list of children matching that criteria sorted by Age Group and Expected Start Date

Scheduled Tasks Report (Reports>>Leads>>Scheduled Tasks)

a. Fill in the "Scheduled Tasks Start" and "End Dates" for the Tasks you want to see. Leave the rest of the selection criteria as is and click View.

b. This report will show you all the upcoming Tasks sorted by date and time for your center.

c. NOTE: These Tasks should also be on your HOME screen under All Tasks.

d. If you want to just see your own Tasks, also select your name in the Assigned To pick list.

e. NOTE: These Tasks will also be on your HOME screen under My Tasks.

f.  To see Completed Tasks, click the “Include Completed Status” check box on the right and uncheck the “Include Pending Status” check box.

Completed Tasks and Events Report (Reports>>Leads>>Completed Tasks/Events)

a.  Fill in the "Task/Event Start" and "End Dates" for the Completed Tasks and Events you want to see. Leave the rest of the selection criteria as is and click View.

b. This report will show you all the Tasks that have Completed and Events that have added in the system during the specified date range.

c. To see just the Tasks you have completed and Events you have added, select your name in the “Assigned To” pick list area on the screen.

d. NOTE: Events are phone calls, tours, meetings and other things that you record in the system that you did not have Tasks set up for but that just occurred, such as a walk-in tour or a phone call received from a parent.
Conversion Success Report
(Reports>>Statistics>>Conversion Success)

a.  Leave all the selection criteria as is and just select the Numbers or Percentage Report Option on the bottom right as desired.

b.  Click "View" to see the number or percentage of Opportunities your center has converted from New Leads into Contacted, Tour Scheduled, Tour Completed, Wait List, Registered, Enrolled and Lost Opportunities since the beginning of using the system.

c.  Check the “Calculate Using Leads Only” check box to see the statistics for Families versus Opportunities. Remember, a Lead with two Children is two Opportunities and counts for two Leads or two Tours if the check box is unchecked.

Trend Tracking Report (Reports>>Statistics>>Trend Tracking)

a.  Select the beginning Date you want to look at and the number of weeks or months you would like to view statistics for. Leave all the rest of the selection criteria as defaulted.

b.  Click "View" to see the number of Leads, Tours, Registrations, Enrollments, etc. that you had month by month for the past 6 months or whatever period you select.

c.  Remember, that these statistics are based on when the Leads/Children are moved into these statuses.

d.  Select the “Inquiry Type” statistic option in the middle of the screen to see the number of Phone, Walk In, Email and Web Leads you received over the specified periods of time.

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