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(Legacy CRM) Scripts

This article will explain how to use the "Scripts" tab.

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 3 months ago

 Settings -> System Settings -> Scripts

While not required, scripts can come in handy when you are dealing with leads while talking on the phone, or if a lead randomly walking into your facility. Let’s face it, we all have periods in our everyday life where we are at a loss for words and we are not sure what to say to people. This is where scripts come in. 

Call In Script:

Let’s say you are on a call with a lead and you have no idea what to say. Byclicking on the “Call In” script, you can create a script for your staff members to go through when they are on the phone with a potential lead. This script will serve a guide to help you and your staff gather proper information on said lead.

Walk In Script:

This is very similar to “Call In” scripts; however, this scenario deals with a potential lead walking into your facility. If you have a potential lead coming to your facility, this script will help you facilitate the correct conversations and gather proper information on that potential lead.

How Do I Access My Scripts?

After you have created or edited your scripts, they will appear on the homepage, on the “Add New Lead” widget (see image below):

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