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(Legacy CRM) Pick Lists

This article will explain what Pick Lists are for and how to use them.

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 2 months ago

Settings -> System Settings -> Pick Lists

Simply put, the “Pick Lists” tab is a way for users to add additional pieces of information to a section of a form. What does this mean exactly? Let’s go through an example.

Clicking on “Additional Contact Type” will bring you to the page below:

Order – This is the order in which the fields will appear 

Item Name – This is the name that will show in the section

Code – This is just an additional name for the “Item Name”. The code can be the same as the “Item Name” 

Default – When a user sees a section, this is the first name that will be automatically show up in the section

Up/Down – This allows you to change the order of the Item Names

Add – Allows you to add an item

Delete – Allows you to delete an item


Adding a Pick List Item

To add a Pick List Item, simply click on the green + symbol. By doing so, a blank section will appear:

Next, you will type in a name:

When you are finished, you will left click on the “Back” button:

Clicking the back button will automatically save the new Pick List item you have created. Since in this example, the Pick List Item we chose was “Additional Contact Type,” when a user goes to this section, they will see the new Pick List Item that was created:

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