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(Legacy CRM) Mass Copy

This article will explain the Mass Copy feature of Email Templates.

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over a month ago

Initially, when you create a template, it will be created for that particular center. However, there is a feature that will allow you to move your created template(s) across the board to other centers in all levels of an organization. This feature is called Mass Copy.

In order to find Mass Copy, you will need to go to:
Marketing -> Templates -> Email Templates -> Mass Copy 

When you left click on the Mass Copy button, you will see a a new column open up with checked boxes next to each templates (as pictured below):

From there, you will be able to select which templates you want to copy over. Once you have picked the templates you want to copy over, you will click on the Copy button (as highlighted below):

When you click on the Copy button, you will be prompted to the page (as seen below):

From there, you will select the location you want to copy these templates to, and then you will click on the copy button, which is highlighted above. 

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