Step 1: Find the Lead. There are several options:
Option A:
Start typing the Child’s name or the Lead’s name, phone number or email address in the upper right search bar.
Click the Child’s or Lead’s name when it appears.
Option B: If you’re logged into a specific location….
On the Home tab, click the “All Active” status tab.
Click the Lead’s/Child’s row in the resulting list.
Option C: If you’re logged into a specific Location and know the Lead’s/Child’s current status….
On the “Home” tab, either click the Lead’s/Child’s status tab or click the status column in the “Active Opportunity Pipeline” chart.
Click the Lead’s/Child’s row in the resulting list.
Step 2: On the “Manage Lead” screen, click “Edit Lead” in the upper right task bar.
Step 3: Make whatever changes are needed. Then click the “SAVE” button at the bottom or click “Save” in the upper right toolbar.
(Chrome users can see larger, higher-resolution versions of the images above by right-clicking the image and selecting "Open image in new tab". Firefox users can right-click and select "View image".)