Mobile App Home Screen
Madison Carlson avatar
Written by Madison Carlson
Updated over a week ago

The MomentPath Home Screen is designed to show teachers what tasks need to be tackled next in their classroom. The home page will help teachers keep track of important information such as allergies, important notes, announcements, and more. If your center chooses to use “rules”, this page will also prompt teachers to post moments in a timely manner.


This section harnesses the power of MomentPath Rules to prompt teachers on which moments they should post next! To learn more about rules, please visit How to Create a Moment Suggestion Rule.

Once you have a rule set up, teachers will be able to tap on the moment type to quickly log that specific moment. For example, if we tap on the “Potty” moment indicator, we will be prompted to select the child involved at that moment:

After selecting the child, the app will automatically tag the child in a potty moment. Teachers can then fill out any additional details regarding that moment:

After posting the moment, teachers then be able to post another potty moment for another child. Once all of the children have had a potty moment recorded, the “potty” card will be removed from the teacher’s home page until another child’s timer expires.

Please note, that those timers are based on the last moment posted for a child. Each child will have their own timer to indicate when their next care activity is needed.

Rules may be set up for many different moment types. This will allow teachers to have the prompts that pertain to their classroom and their age range!


The Outlook button is designed to show teachers' allergies and important information for the classroom they are checked into. Tapping out “Outlook” will slide open a page for teachers to review allergies.

Teachers can tap on a child’s name to quickly access a child’s profile to review their important notes within the child’s “Outlook” tab!


If there is an Announcement posted for the day, teachers can access these announcements by tapping on this button. Teachers can then review the announcement and choose to dismiss it:

If a teacher dismisses all announcements for a day, they can still tap on the “Announcements” button. There will be a prompt to access the announcements on their calendar if they have dismissed them previously:


Teachers can tap on the “Moments” button to access their classroom timeline. This is where teachers can scroll through all of the moments they have posted today.

Sleep Checks

Sleep checks will appear at the very top of the Home Screen if you have children actively napping in your classroom. To learn more about sleep checks, please read Sleep Check and Sleep Timer

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