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How to Create a Moment Suggestion Rule
How to Create a Moment Suggestion Rule

Admins can use this feature to prompt staff to create certain types of Moments after a certain amount of time has passed

Madison Carlson avatar
Written by Madison Carlson
Updated over a week ago

Moment suggestion rules are a great way to keep your and your staff's day on track by creating rules that will remind your staff when to create certain types of Moments.

These rules are set up on a group-by-group basis, and make it incredibly easy for your staff to create those Moments. Only people with admin access to the can create Moment suggestion rules.

Here are step-by-step instructions!

1. To create a Moment suggestion rule, tap on Groups.

2. Tap on the three dots next to the group for which you want to create the moment suggestion rule and select “Rules”. These must be created at the group level and will need to be created for each group that needs a rule.

3. In the upper right corner click the box that says “+Add Rule”

4. Choose the Moment type you want to create the rule for and the minimum number of hours you want that group to go between that type of moment. For example, if you want to make sure bathroom breaks or diaper changes happen every two hours, you should choose “Potty” for the moment type and 2 for the number of hours between that moment.

5. Click "Save"—you're done!

What will you and your staff see after creating a rule?

When the amount of time set within the rule for a particular group has passed, the timer on the group roster will turn red.

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