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Capacity Planning Report: What it is and how to use it
Capacity Planning Report: What it is and how to use it

The Capacity Planning Report is designed to help centers maximize their available slots while monitoring center goals.

Madison Carlson avatar
Written by Madison Carlson
Updated over a year ago

The Capacity Planning Report is designed to show you the day-to-day availability within your center. This report ties together children’s schedules with classroom capacities to highlight which classrooms are making the most of their available capacity. In addition to seeing when children are scheduled to be in attendance, this report will also showcase the revenue each room generates, the number of staff members needed to stay in ratio, and other helpful metrics to measure a program’s success.

Let’s review the report!

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First, let’s dive into the report itself. When generating this report, you must first start with a date. The day you select will encompass the entire week as this report is a forecasting tool. I would recommend selecting the Monday of the week you are looking to evaluate in the “Start Date” box.

This report is broken down by classroom. Let’s discuss what each of these column titles represents:

  • Name: Child’s Name

  • Birthday: Child’s Date of Birth

  • Age: Child’s Calculated Age

  • Transition: If the child has a schedule that is set to end and another that is set to begin, this column will show the date the child’s upcoming schedule is set to start. Alternatively, if a child has a withdrawal date set on their profile, that date will be reflected in this column.

  • Destination: If a transition date is set for a child, this column will update with the name of the group the child is transitioning to next. If a child has a withdrawal date set on their profile, this column will show “Withdraw” as the destination.

  • Monday-Friday: These columns will represent the different schedule types you have set at your center. Keep reading to learn how to configure the visible options!

  • Plan Rate: Sum of all billing plans a child is enrolled in.

  • Discounts: Sum of all discounts applied to a child’s billing plans.

  • Current Revenue: Sum of all billing plans a child is enrolled in, fewer discounts applied.

  • Potential FT Revenue: Amount of revenue generated by a full-time student in this classroom

  • Variance: This column will show Current Revenue less Full-Time Revenue.

The Capacity Planning Report makes several references to “Available Slots”. For example, at the bottom of each group summary, you will see a few summary lines. Let’s learn more about these numbers:

  • Total Enrolled: This is the count of available slots a child will fill, based on your schedule types and the child’s schedule. For example, if you offer an AM and PM schedule and a child is enrolled full time, a child will take up 1 AM slot and 1 PM slot each day.

  • Total Capacity: Based on your group settings, this number will automatically calculate to display how many slots are available for each schedule type on each day

  • Available Slots: This number represents Total Capacity less Total Enrolled. If you are over capacity on any given day, this number will be red.

  • Summary: Please note that all summary numbers are representative of the total number of slots available based on your schedule. In the example above, there are 20 available slots each day, totaling 100 slots each week.

This report also allows you to review summary statistics based on the age ranges set for each classroom. Near the bottom of this report, you will find summary statistics per classroom type. For example, if you had two Infant classrooms, this section would show data for both of the rooms combined.

Last, but certainly not least, the Capacity Planning Report shows centers key revenue metrics that they can utilize to maximize their centers' efficiency. At the very bottom of this report, you will see center level statistics:

  • Total Enrolled (All): Summary of all occupied slots at your center

  • Total Capacity (All): Summary of all available slots at your center

  • % Enrolled: Total Enrolled (All)/Total Capacity (All)

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  • Overall %: Percentage of slots occupied across your organization.

  • Overall Current Revenue: Sum of all billing plans children at your center are enrolled in, fewer discounts applied.

  • Overall Potential FT Revenue: Sum of what revenue could be generated if all children in your center were full-time enrollees.

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  • Total Discounts: Sum of all discounts applied to children at your center

  • Total Current Revenue: Sum of all plan revenue

  • Total Plan Rate: Sum of all plans children are enrolled in

  • Total Variance: Sum of all Current Revenue less Full-Time Revenue

  • Ideal Revenue: This calculation can be configured to show what percentage of Full-time revenue you’d like your center to strive towards.

  • Variance-Ideal Revenue: Full-time Revenue less Ideal Revenue. This number will show you how far you may be from your Ideal Revenue Goal

  • Total Payroll: Sum of scheduled payroll hours (based on staff schedules and staff profile settings)

  • Total Payroll %: Total Payroll divided by Current Revenue

  • Target Payroll %: This percentage is configurable to represent your center’s goals.

  • Target Payroll Variance: Target Payroll % less Total Payroll %

While this report runs many calculations, the steps needed to set this report up are fairly straightforward!

First, let’s visit the admin settings that must be configured. To access the next few steps, tap on the “Admin” tab on the left-hand menu bar.

Step 1: Configure your schedule types.

To add a new schedule type, tap on the “Add Schedule Type” button. Be sure to give your schedule a name, a Full-time Equivalent (FTE) value, and a time block. When adding or editing a schedule type, you may choose to “Hide from forecasting”. If you mark this checkbox, that schedule type will not appear on the Capacity Planning Report.

Note: If your center only offers a full-time option, we recommend setting your schedule time to have a scheduled start and end time. However, if your center offers multiple schedules, please set your full-time schedule to the “All Day” time block.

Step 2: Set your Holidays (if applicable)

The Capacity Planning Report can omit certain days from the report calculations. This is important to ensure you are not counting additional slots that cannot be filled during a scheduled holiday or break. To configure your holidays, simply add a title and select the day you will be closed.

While this step is optional, it will offer more accurate calculations on weeks that you may not be open Monday-Friday.

Step 3: Set your Forecast Default Calculations

Within the Forecasting Defaults section, centers have the ability to set their Ideal Revenue Percentages and Target Payroll Percentages. These numbers will power the center-wide summaries at the bottom of the report. Please enter numbers only. You do not need to enter the % signs.

The final setting that will need to be set will reside in the group setting.

Step 4: Configure your group types.

To do so, tap on “Manage>Groups” on the left-hand menu bar.

Next, tap on the three “...” next to the group name and select “Configuration”

Ensure the “Designate as Classroom” checkbox is selected:

Scroll down to “Group Type” and select the group category for the classroom, then tap “Save”.

Finally, ensure all children are enrolled in a schedule. If you need assistance, please review this help guide.

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