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LineLeader Engage & Manage
How can I check to see if my staff member activated their account?
How can I check to see if my staff member activated their account?

Is your staff having trouble logging into MomentPath? They may not have properly activated their account. Follow these steps to check.

Madison Carlson avatar
Written by Madison Carlson
Updated over a week ago

1. From the left-hand menu, select “Manage” then “People” from the drop-down

2. Find the employee you need to check on and click on their name.

3. Click on the Profile tab.

4. If no email address is visible, they have not activated their account

5. If you would like to send this user an account invitation, enter their email address and tap the “Save Account” button. To send this user an account invitation, click “Send Invitation” under the “Account Invitation:” section of their profile.

6. If you do not see a "send invitation" button, this indicates they have activated their account.

If a staff member is having trouble activating their account, please reach out to

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