Enrollment Status Report

The Enrollment Status Report shows enrollment changes like recent withdrawal dates, deactivation reasons, and enrollment start dates.

Madison Carlson avatar
Written by Madison Carlson
Updated over a week ago

The report will include information within a specific date range to help the center understand staff, families, admins, and children’s enrollment status.

  1. To access this report, click “Reports” on the left panel. Then, tap to view the Enrollment Status Report.

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2. Use the filters at the top of the report to configure the data you'd like to see. Next, Tap "Update" in the upper right-hand corner.

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  • Start Date and End Date: Search the report between a specific date range.

  • Select Orgs: If you oversee multiple centers, you can pick between any combination of those centers by clicking the drop down box and check mark the box next to the centers you would like to include in the report.

  • Select Person Type (s): Filter by Child, Family, Staff, or Administrator. You can select multiple user types at one time. For example, you can multi-select Child and Staff to include both user types in the report.

  • Include Only: You will have the option to filter to new enrollees and recent withdrawn users. If your center uses MomentPath's lightweight waitlist functionality, you can also filter to new waitlistees! If you leave this option as "All" you will simply see a list of all active users during the time frame you selected.

3. After you click “Update” the report will automatically include a summary menu to quickly show how many children enrolled or withdrew within your selected date range. It’s important to remember that these numbers will change depending on which date range you selected.

For example, the “Total Enrolled” shows that the number of children that enrolled between 7/1/22-7/31/22 was one child, but this number does not include the total number of children that have enrolled in the center before or after June 2022.

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4. The remainder of the report includes more in-depth information on the enrollment status of the children at your center within the specific date range you selected.

  • Name: Child, Admin, Staff, or Family’s name.

  • Type: The user type will be listed here which includes: family, admin, child, and staff.

  • Waitlist Date: If your center utilized MomentPath's lightweight waitlist tool, this date will represent the date the child was added to the waitlist. If your center does not use this feature, this column will simply be blank.

  • Enrollment Date: This column pulls from the “Enrollment Date” field on the child’s profile. If the enrollment date field is left blank on the child’s profile, this column will be blank.

  • Withdraw Date: This column pulls from the “Withdrawal Date” on the child’s profile. If the withdrawal date field is left blank on the child’s profile, this column will be blank.

  • Center: Your current organization is listed here.

  • Group: The user type’s default group is mentioned in this column. If the child, staff, or admin does not have a default group, the field will be blank.

  • Deactivated: This column allows you to know which account has been deactivated. "True" indicates the user has been deactivated.

  • Deactivated Reason: If a deactivation reason was selected when the account was deactivated, it will surface under this column.

  • Tuition: The tuition total

  • FTE Total: Full-Time Equivalent. This column will reference the child’s schedule to surface the FTE lost from the child leaving the center. For example, if a full-time student is deactivated, there is 1 FTE lost. If an MWF child was deactivated, there will be .6 FTE lost.

  • Lost Tuition: If the child is deactivated, this column will give you the total tuition lost based on the child’s final billing plan.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to support@lineleader.com!

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