Email Already in Use error scenarios:
Scenario 1: You are creating a new profile for a family member or staff member, but their email is on their deactivated account.
Scenario 2:-You are trying to add an email to a user's account, but you are receiving the "Email Already in Use" error message. This means that an email might be on a deactivated user's profile or this email was already used prior and the account needs to be reset.
Error Message example is below:
There are two ways to find the deactivated users:
1. Search for the parent account by going to the top of the page and click on the magnifying glass. This will open a search bar. You can either type in the name or email address. Be sure to checkmark the box that says "include inactive".
2. Option 2 to search for the deactivated account is by going to the "People" screen.
Select Filter
Check the box for a specific group or all groups for the Group
Check the boxes for Type like children, family, staff, etc.
Check Show Inactive.
To quickly search the user's name in the list, click the keys Ctrl+F on your keyboard.
How to Reactivate the profile: Reactivate their original profile since that email is being used on that profile. To reactivate the profile click on the three dots next to their name and select "Re-activate User." Deactivate the duplicate account that you just created for the parent or staff member.
Please make sure to select "Associate Existing Relationship" on the child's profile to the newly reactivated parent's account by going to the child's profile and selecting the Relationship tab.
If an account needs to be reset or if you have any questions please contact