How to Manage Bank Deposits

“Manage Bank Deposits” is an easy way to total up the manual payments in preparation for a manual bank deposit.

Madison Carlson avatar
Written by Madison Carlson
Updated over a week ago

With LineLeader you have the ability to group manual payments (check and cash) into a closed deposit, providing you with the total amount to be deposited into your bank account. Think of it as your automated deposit slip.

To manage these deposits, you’ll start by clicking on the Billing tab on the left side of the screen. From there, directly on your overview dashboard, you’ll see the “Manage Bank Deposits” widget.

This widget will show you the last five manual transactions, as an indication that you may have money that needs to be deposited into your bank account.

To manage these transactions click on the button to bring you to the Manage Deposits screen.

From this screen you can group your checks and cash into a single deposit by clicking the check box next to the items you intend to bring to the bank, providing you with the number of items and the total amount of the deposit and a button to “Create Deposit”.

When you’re ready to close the deposit out and bring it to the bank, go ahead and click “Create Deposit”. This will be your last step, in which you will select the date that you intend to make the deposit, and put a memo if needed. In this instance, I put the name of the employee making the deposit.

Click “Save”, and head off to the bank.

Need to look at the deposits you’ve closed? Go ahead and click on “Past Deposits”. This will provide you with the date, amount, and memo for the deposits that you’ve already closed, and give you the ability to edit them should you ever need to.

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