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Data Explorer: What is it and how should I use it?
Data Explorer: What is it and how should I use it?

The Data Explorer allows you to take a closer look at the revenue metrics that matter most to you

Madison Carlson avatar
Written by Madison Carlson
Updated over a week ago

Locating and understanding Revenue is an important part to managing an efficient center. The Data Explorer allows you to zoom in on revenue trends over a period of time to better understand how your business is operating.

How to access the Data Explorer

To access the Data explorer, tap on the "Dashboard" option on the left-hand menu bar. Then, tap on "Data Explorer".

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Understanding Revenue numbers within the Data Explorer

The Data Explorer can currently be used to explore gross revenue numbers. Please note, these metrics only display gross revenue. The data displayed on this page can be filtered to cover different revenue sources over various time frames. Let's discuss the filters on this report:

  • Revenue Source: This allows you to filter the data by revenue generated from family members or other payers (such as third-party subsidies). The "Both" option will showcase all gross revenue regardless of the payer source.

  • Date Filter: This allows you to filter by the period start date on the invoices or the date invoiced. Depending on your center's invoicing method, it may be helpful to locate the gross revenue billed for a specific month. Other times, it may be helpful to understand all gross revenue billed within a certain month regardless of the dates of service the invoices cover. This filter allows you to toggle between the two options.

  • Grouping: Choose how you'd like your data to be displayed. You may choose from weekly, monthly, or yearly. This will affect how the bar graphs below are represented.

  • Date Range: The time period you'd like to investigate

Below the bar graph, you will also see a grid displaying the metrics for revenue. This data can be exported as a CSV file to be opened in Excel, Numbers, or another software of your choosing.


  • The Data Explorer is currently considered an Accounting Report. If your center utilized advanced roles and permissions, this may impact your ability to access this tool if you do not currently have access to Accounting Reports.

  • The Data Explorer is an exciting new tool in the LineLeader Engage/Manage tool belt. While we're beginning with gross revenue, LineLeader is excited to grow and expand the Data Explorer to include additional metrics. Stay tuned for additional updates!

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