Recent Refusals Widget

The Recent Refusals Widget lives on your Billing Dashboard and will give you insight into any payments in your center that have been refused

Madison Carlson avatar
Written by Madison Carlson
Updated over a week ago

From your Billing Dashboard, you will see a widget labeled Recent Refusals. A refusal will surface in this widget if a parent makes a payment that we were unable to process. A refusal may happen if a card has expired, an account has been closed, etc. This differs from a chargeback in that we were unable to begin processing, it was instead declined upon payment initiation.

If a refusal has taken place within your center, you will see the family member’s name surface in the widget. To gather more details on the payment you can select “View Transactions”. This will then navigate you to the Online Payments Transaction report where you can find the date, time, and invoice number.

If you have any questions about a refusal that took place, you can reach out to LineLeader Engage/Manage support at

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