The Payout Report summarizes all settlements made to your bank account. These settlements include payments made by parents with an ACH or Credit Card payment. These settlements can also be impacted by refunds, chargebacks, and other fees. One of the primary uses of this report is to help you understand which payments contributed to a specific payout.
To access your Payout Report, tap "Billing" on the left-hand menu bar
Then, tap "Reports" along the top header
Tap "View Report" under the Payout Report option
Next, select the date range you would like to observe and tap "Update". To investigate a specific payout, tap "View Details"
A new tab will open with the details of that payout. From this screen, you will be able to see a summary of items paid out. You will also be able to see the specific payments and adjustments that affected this payout down at the bottom of the report.
Charges: Payments made by parents via ACH or Credit Card
Refunds: The amount refunded to parents that was withheld from this payout
Adjustments: Any fees, chargebacks, etc that were withheld from this payout
Payouts: The sum of the settlement you will see in your bank account
Sometimes a payout is split in two and only one will hold all of the invoices that make up the payout