Payments/Refunds In-Progress Widget

Use the Payments/Refunds In-Progress Widget to track payments or refunds that have not yet settled.

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over a week ago

Under the What's Next section on your billing dashboard, you can find your Payments/Refunds In-Progress Widget. This widget will show you any payments and/or refunds that are still processing and have not yet been included in a payout.

If your center has any in-flight refunds or payments, the widget will show you a summary amount. If your center does not have any in-flight payments or refunds the widget will show a "N/A".

If you are reconciling or would like further detail, you can click "In-Progress Details". This will take you to an expanded view of the widget which will break down what makes up the summary amounts.

The expanded view will show you:

  • Type - There are two types that you will surface in this column. The first type is Payments which is any online payment that was made through LineLeader. The second type is Refunds which is any refund that has been initiated through LineLeader.

  • Transaction Date - The transaction date reflects the date the payment or refund was initiated.

  • Invoice - The invoice column is going to show the invoice that the payment or refund was initiated from and provide a direct link to it.

  • Reference - This is the transaction reference that surfaces from Adyen.

  • Amount - The amount column will surface the amount that was made through online payment or the amount that is being refunded.

At the bottom, you will see Total Refunds, Total Payments, and a Net Total.

If you have any questions, you can reach out to us at

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