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Ledger Detail Report: What is it and how should I use it?
Ledger Detail Report: What is it and how should I use it?

The Ledger Detail Report allows administrators to sort, view and filter accounting entries for a particular date range.

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over a week ago

The Ledger Detail Report provides a summary of all plan charges, item charges, discounts, and credits issued within a time period. This report may be sorted by the date the invoices were issued and by the dates of service (period start dates) for those particular invoices.

1. To access this report tap Billing > Reports > Ledger Detail Report.

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2. The Ledger Detail Report has two sets of date filters. The first date range is used to identify when invoices were sent to parents. This is the invoice issue date. The second date range is the period start dates.

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We released filters in the Ledger Detail Report to help with searching for ledger and billing information. Once you have set your filters, tap "Update" to generate the report. Note: Feel free to configure these filters as needed.

Include detail: Provides in-depth information about the ledger code like customers’ invoices, item charges, settlements, withdrawals, reimbursements, and more.

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Group by date: Within the date range you selected, this filter will include all of the billing information that occurred on each day.

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Filter by period start date: The dates of service are included on the invoice.

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Sort by ledger code: This filter only includes the list of ledger codes. If you select the Account option, you can select a specific ledger code.

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Group by ledger code: You can select the drop-down arrow to view all of the information mapped to that ledger code.

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Debit or Credit Amount Only: Nets credit and debit card entries into a single line entry.

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Use historical batch data (single day only): Search for all the historical information that occurred for one day (Can only search for dates after 5/30/22).

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