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How to Edit your Billing Settings?

Learning to understand how to schedule billing for your center.

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 3 months ago

The frequency you select for your plans will follow your center's Billing Schedule. Your Billing Schedule will determine when invoices are sent to parents and when the invoices are due. To set up your schedule, you will need to go to your billing settings.

First, navigate to Billing > Configurations > Settings. Then, scroll down to the schedule section.

Click "Edit" next to Schedule to begin setting up your center's Billing Schedule.

You will then start filling out the following information:

  • Generate Invoices: You can choose whether you would like to bill in advance or in arrears.

  • Weekly Schedule: For your weekly schedules, you will select the day of the week you would like the weekly plan invoices to be sent out.

    • Due Date: You can choose to set a grace period from when the invoice is sent to when the invoice is due or you can select the fixed day of the week you would like the invoices to be due. If you choose a fixed day, it will default to the "next occurring."

  • Monthly Schedule: For your monthly schedule, you will choose the day of the month you would like monthly plan invoices to be sent out.

    • Use Grace Period: If you choose to set a grace period, families will have the same amount of days each month to review their invoices before they are due.

    • Fixed Day of Month: If you would like invoices to be due on the same day each month, you can select a fixed day. For example, if you would like invoices to be due on the first day of each month, you can set the fixed day for the 1st.

    • Bi-weekly: If you offer a bi-weekly plan, you can set a seed date and a grace period for that schedule to follow.

  • Allow Payments Before Due Date: If you would like to allow families to pay at any time before the due date, select yes. If you would like payments to be collected exclusively on the due date, select no.

  • Automatic Late Fees (Optional): If you would like to enable automatic late fees to families, you will select the box "Assess late fees automatically with item:" and then choose the item/fee. You are then able to type out the number of days in the "Days Late to Assess Fee" field If you do not wish to enforce automatic late fees, simply do not check the box and leave all fields blank.

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Legal Entity

Establishing your business as a legal entity is important for tax purposes. You can enter your legal business name, tax ID number, and legal address in the Legal Entity Section.

Discounts and Payers

Learn how to add in your discounts and third-party payers into the system. This section should showcase all discounts you offer and all third-party subsidies you accept. To add a discount, tap "Manage Discounts"

Next, tap "Add Discount"

Enter in the discount details and tap "Save"

  • Discount Code: A lowercase representation of your discount.

  • Description: The name of the discount that will be visible when assigning a discount to a billing plan. Note: Parents will also see this description.

  • Ledger: The Ledger Code you would like this discount to create accounting activity for. Note: This will only appear if you utilize an accounting workflow or integration in LineLeader.

  • Expires at end of Grace Period: This allows you to have a discount auto-expire after the invoice due date. This is helpful if you offer pre-payment discounts but do not wish to apply these discounts to invoices when they are past due.

  • Override Single Discount Rule: If your center has chosen to implement a restriction on the number of discounts that can be applied to a child's account, this checkbox overrides that restriction so this specific discount can be applied alongside additional discounts.

  • Amount: Amount of discount.

To add a new third-party payer, tap "Manage Payers"

Next, tap "Add Payers"

Enter in the payer information and tap "Save"

  • Payer Code: A lowercase representation of your discount.

  • Description: The name of the payer that will be visible when assigning a discount to a billing plan. Note: Parents will also see this description.

  • Ledger: The Ledger Code you would like this payer to create accounting activity for. Note: This will only appear if you utilize an accounting workflow or integration in LineLeader.

Archiving Payers or Discounts: By archiving a discount or payer, you will remove the archived option from the list when enrolling a child in a billing plan. Historically, this data will remain on reports. Archiving a payer or discount will not remove that assignment from existing plan enrollments.

Once you have added your plans, items, discounts, and payers you can begin enrolling children in their proper plans.

Payment Settings

This section will allow you to choose which types of payments can be applied, if payment methods are required to be on file for Guardians, and if Autopay Enrollment is required.

  • Manual Payment Type: In this section you can select whether or not this site can post Cash, Check, Credit Card, ACH, or Payroll Deduction payment types.

  • Payment Method on File: This section will offer two choices where you can elect to make it required for family members to have a payment method on file at all times.

  • Autopay Enrollment: This will allow you to require autopay. If require autopay is enabled, once a family is enrolled in autopay, they will not be able to disenroll, only Admins will have that ability. Families can still change their method of payment at anytime.

For additional help, please reach out to

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