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How to Enroll a Child in a Billing Plan
How to Enroll a Child in a Billing Plan

Use this guide to learn how to enroll a child in a billing plan

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 8 months ago

If you use LineLeader Billing, you will want to make sure to enroll your students in a billing plan. Billing plans are usually used to issue invoices for tuition payments. Follow these steps to enroll a child in a billing plan:

  1. Tap on the child’s profile, then tap on their “Billing” tab. Then tap "+Add Plan"

2. Enter the following information:

  • Plan: This is the tuition plan you would like to enroll the child in

  • First Invoice Date: This is the first day a child should be invoiced automatically. For example, if my center invoiced monthly on the 15th of the month for next month, I could set this date to the 15th of this month.

  • Override Rate: This allows you to set the plan amount to a different quantity. For example, if your tuition plan is $1000/month, but you have a student grandfathered in at $900/month you can set the override rate to "900". Instead of being invoiced for $1000, this child would be invoiced for $900

  • Expiration Date: This field allows you to stop invoicing a child for a plan on a specific date. If you know this child will be changing rooms or leaving the center, you may choose to set the last invoice date field. For example, if my center invoices on the 15th of the month, and this child should not be invoiced for next month, I could set the expiration date to the 16th of last month.

If the child receives a discount or receives tuition assistance, tap the “+Add Payer/Discount” button

3. If the child receives a discount, select “Discount” from the first drop-down menu. Next, select the type and ensure the amount is correct. The amount can be represented in dollars or percentages. Tap “Apply”.

If the child receives tuition assistance, select “Other Payer” from the dropdown menu. Other Payers may include government reimbursement programs such as CCDF. When choosing “Other Payer” you are inferring that you will receive funds from someone other than the family members of the child, usually at a later date. Tap “Apply”.

In this example, we will apply a Sibling discount of $15

4. If you need to add a third-party allocation to a child's billing profile, tap on the "+Add Payer/Discount” button and select "Other Payer".

5. Select the third-party payer you would like to apply, and enter the Voucher Start Date, Voucher End Date, and the amount you'd like to apply.

  • Voucher Start Date: The first day of the period you'd like this voucher to begin applying to the child's billing plan

  • Voucher End Date: The last day of the period you'd like the voucher to apply. Note: If you do not enter a voucher end date, the voucher will continue indefinitely.

If you need to make changes to the discount or payer you have added, you can select "edit" to make those changes or "remove" to start fresh.

You may add multiple discounts or payers. Once you are satisfied with the allocations, tap “Save”.

To learn more about adding plans to your billing setup, please visit this guide.

If you have any additional questions, please reach out to

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