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How to reset your password

If you are having trouble logging into your LineLeader Engage/Manage account or need to reset your password, please follow these steps.

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over a month ago

1. Go to the login screen on your device ( if on the web).

2. Click on the “Forgot Password?” link:

Image preview

3. On the next screen, enter the email address you are using to login and click “Submit”:

4. You will receive an email with a validation code. Once you receive it, click the “Reset Password” link in the email. It will take you to a screen where you can enter your new password. Once you have entered your new password, click “Reset Password”

NOTE: Please allow at least 15 minutes for the validation code email to arrive before starting the Password Reset process again.

5. Use your email address and new password to continue accessing LineLeader in the future.

If you do not receive a validation code email after starting the password reset process or you cannot successfully log in to LineLeader after resetting your password, please email support@MomentPath or chat in the app.

If you're still having trouble resetting your password:

Did you follow the process for resetting your password? Did you request a password reset more than once?

Did you request a password reset more than once?
If you have received more than one validation code while trying to reset your password, please delete all of the validation emails in your inbox and then follow the password reset process one more time.

Please allow at least 15 minutes for the new validation code email to arrive. If you don't receive a validation code email after 15 minutes, contact

I haven't received a validation code email and it has been more than 15 minutes since requesting a password reset.
Ask your director or site admin to see if your account was properly activated or has been accidentally deactivated.

If your account hasn't been properly activated, your site admin can send an account activation invitation.

If your account has been deactivated, your site admin can re-activate your account, and then you will be able to reset your password.

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