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LineLeader Enroll - Lead Capture & Marketing Attribution - FAQs
LineLeader Enroll - Lead Capture & Marketing Attribution - FAQs

The complete guide to configuring lead capture & marketing attribution within your CRM system

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over a week ago

This article serves as a complete guide to setting up lead capture & configuring marketing attribution within your CRM system.

Some other articles that pair well with this one, to provide additional information, are:

How can I capture leads within my CRM system?

There are four core ways to capture leads within LineLeader Enroll.

  1. Manually enter leads into the CRM

  2. Web Forms (Note, all Web Forms are hosted & built within LineLeader Enroll)

    1. Kiosk Forms

      1. Kiosk Forms are designed to operate directly from a tablet for capturing walk-in leads or leads from events that you attend and hold

    2. Website Forms

      1. Web Forms include a custom URL that can be iFramed or placed behind a button as a URL that goes to a stand-alone web page

    3. Parent Scheduled Tour Forms (PST Forms)

      1. PST forms provide a Javascript embed code

      2. PST forms will also include a URL you can iFrame or place behind a button as a URL that goes to a stand-alone web page

  3. Client Form / Web Hook

    1. Field values are submitted from your self-hosted form directly to LineLeader Enroll

    2. Field values are mapped within LineLeader Enroll

Redirects: Note that all Web Forms & Client Forms provide a redirect option, should you desire to implement. Redirects are setup at the individual form level within the CRM system.

How do I track where my leads came from? My preference is to have this as automated as possible.

LineLeader Enroll has three core fields to track attribution. Keep in mind, our platform has a host of custom fields you can also use to track beyond these three.

  1. Inquiry Type

    1. This will indicate the channel through which the lead entered the system such as "Web", "Kiosk", "Phone", or "Walk-In"

    2. Inquiry type is going to be automatically set by our system, unless a lead is added manually

  2. Lead Source

    1. This will indicate how the lead heard about you

    2. Depending on how leads are being captured, you can either have leads select this value or you can define it for each lead

      1. If you use a Web Form, the parent fill out this field

      2. If you use our API, Web Hook, or Parent Scheduled Tour Form, you can track & pass this value into LineLeader Enroll instead of having the parent select it, providing more accurate data

      3. If you manually enter a lead, the User will be responsible for selecting this value

  3. Marketing Campaign

    1. In the CRM system, you can setup specific marketing campaigns and apply these campaigns to leads within your system

    2. If you use a Web Form, you can hard code a specific marketing campaign to the form

    3. If you use API or Web Hook, you can easily pass this value into LineLeader Enroll instead of having the parent select it, providing more accurate data

    4. You may manually attribute the marketing campaign on a lead as well

Other ways to assist in attribution and tracking within LineLeader Enroll.

  • Using UTMs

    1. There is a second way to attribute marketing campaigns to leads within your CRM system and that is through UTMs

    2. When setting up a marketing campaign, you can tie a UTM to each campaign

    3. When using Web Forms, if a UTM is being used, our system will attribute the corresponding marketing campaign to that lead

    4. Your website developers will need to pass the UTM parameters to us if you are using an iframed webform or Web Hook. Parent Scheduled Tour forms will read them directly from the site's URL.

    5. UTM parameters we track: utm_source, utm_campaign, utm_medium, utm_term, utm_content

  • Custom Fields

    1. Within our CRM system, you can setup custom fields at the Lead or Child level to track additional information

    2. You can add Custom Fields to your Web Forms and/or pass these values into the CRM system if using a Web Hook

    3. Which version of our system do you use?

      1. In our Legacy interface, the system allows for four custom lead and four custom child fields

      2. In our CRM, the system allows for unlimited Guardian and Child fields

I would like to track where my leads came from and store that information within my analytics tool. Does the CRM lead capture process allow for this?

  1. Kiosk Forms & Web Forms (Limited tracking)

    1. Currently, these two lead capture methods cannot be embedded on your website. They must be iFramed or you can use the custom form URL as its own landing page.

  2. Parent Scheduled Tour Forms (Advanced Tracking)

    1. PST forms allow website developers to provide a "callback" function that the form will execute on submission, with the unique lead/family id for further tracking.

    2. PST forms can also be pulled into an iFrame or dropped into a browser as a landing page

  3. Client Forms / Web Hook (Advanced Tracking)

    1. If you are using the Client Form / Web Hook, we provide an option for you to indicate if you would like us to return LeadID based on doing the below:

      1. return_lead_id = 1

  4. API (Advanced Tracking)

    1. When using your API you are hosting the entire experience, so you can certainly capture any details and pass them back to your analytics tool

I currently use Google Analytics, does that integrate with the CRM?

  • We do not have a direct integration with Google Analytics; however, you can pass Google Click IDs directly into ChildcareCRM and track those across the lead's journey

  • Note, you can also do this with Facebook Click IDs

I want to ensure that I can accurately track all the channels we market through, never relying on parents to provide this information. How is that best setup within LineLeader Enroll?

  • If your goal is to track this within LineLeader Enroll.

    • We suggest you use UTM parameters

  • If your goal is to track this within your analytics tool.

    • We suggest you use call back methods to ensure you’re pulling our LeadIDs into your analytics tools

How do I report on the leads we are generating by channel?

  • The most effective reports to see which channels are generating the most leads are going to be

    • Source of Leads

      • This report allows you to track which lead sources are driving in the most leads and compare which various channels

      • This report also allows you to track the status each lead is currently in, showing which sources contributed most to Enrolled families

    • Marketing Campaign Analysis

      • If you are relying on marketing campaigns to drive attribution, you can view the marketing campaign analysis report to get a breakdown of how your marketing campaigns performed

How do I report on my most effective vs least effective channels?

  • Conversion Success

    • In our conversion success reporting, we provide the ability to look at conversion through various lenses, including both Lead Source and Marketing Campaign

Can I attribute multiple sources to a single lead?

  • A lead can only have one source attributed to it

  • A lead can have multiple marketing campaigns, though we require one campaign to be “primary”

  • If you desire to track more than one source to a lead, you may want to consider utilizing custom fields

If a lead is at a lost opportunity status, and re-engages, how does attribution work?

  • If a lead is captured in the system and already exists, we provide the option to link or merge the new record to the existing record. You can also accept the record and allow both to exist within the system.

    • In the event you merge the records, we will “reject” the newest opportunity and keep the existing one

      • In this scenario, if you wish to keep attribution of the new opportunity, you will need to update that manually

    • In the event you link the records, two records will exist in the system, both with the attribution of how they came into the system

If a lead is in an active status, and re-engages, how does attribution work?

  • The same as above

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