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(Legacy CRM) Today's Tour Kiosk: Talking Points
(Legacy CRM) Today's Tour Kiosk: Talking Points

Learn about this optional feature to support giving excellent tours!

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 3 months ago

Please note that this is additional functionality associated with the Today's Tours Kiosk. If you aren't familiar with the Today's Tours Kiosk, please learn about the Today's Tours Kiosk first:

The "Talking Points" enhancement will allow center staff to have access to talking points during a tour, improving the quality of their tours and thus improving enrollment rates.

Initial Setup

Step 1: Tap the new gear icon on the Today’s Tours kiosk home page to open “Talking Points Setup”. Note that only corporate staff have access to this icon.

Step 2: Add one or more Tour Types.

  • Users can customize talking points for different audiences. For example, the tour for parents of a newborn might be different than the tour for parents of four-year-olds.

  • Set up one tour type for each audience. At least one tour type must be set up. There is no maximum number.

Step 3: Add one or more Areas detailing the different parts of the building that parents tour.

Step 4: Expand each Area. Under each there is a text box to enter talking points for each Tour Type. Populate these boxes.

Step 5: Tap SAVE.

Talking Points can be edited later by tapping the gear icon.

Access Talking Points During a Tour

Tours start as normal—the guardian is found or entered on the Today’s Tours kiosk and their information is entered or verified. After the staff’s CONTINUE button is tapped, if there are no talking points set up, the Today’s Tours kiosk will continue working as before. If talking points have been set up….

Step 1: Tap to select the desired Tour Type.

Step 2: Tap each Area to be toured when the guardian is touring that area.

Step 3: Reference the talking points that appear.

Step 4: Tap BACK to return to the list of Areas.

Step 5: Repeat Steps 2 thru 4 until all Areas have been toured.

Step 6: Tap COMPLETE TOUR when the tour is over.

Tours end as normal—the user enters the name of the person completing the tour, enters a result type, adds any notes as desired and then closes out the tour.

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