Group Communications Interactive Walk-through
Click through our guided tour on how-to send Group Communications (or review the documentation below):
Group Communications Overview
In LineLeader Enroll you have the ability to view and create lists of families. There are many different use cases for creating and viewing lists, one of which is sending out group communications to your families via email or text.
This article is broken down into three parts
Viewing a Family List
Customizing a Family List
Reporting on Group Communications
Step 1: View a Family List
Log into the LineLeader Enroll and navigate to "Families" on the left sidebar
The system defaults four preset lists for you to view
Active Families: All families in statuses before Enrolled
Enrolled Children: All currently enrolled children
Withdrawn Children: All currently withdrawn children
Lost Opportunity: All families that are currently in Lost Opportunity
Once you're viewing the appropriate list, click "Group Action" in the top right
Upon first clicking the "Group Action" button, we will allow you to de-select any individual families you may not want to message in this specific situation.
In the bottom right of your list click "Next" and then click "Send Text or Email"
This final step is where you can choose to send a group text or email
The best part about Family lists is they will always update to represent real time data within your CRM system
Don't worry if a family has unsubscribed, we will automatically prevent sending them content
When sending a text or email, you can select pre-built templates to populate your message and edit as desired
When sending a text or email, you can set delays if you wish to have the message go out at a later time and date
Step 2: Customize Family List
The system will provide a few standard lists, however, it's possible you want to better filter your criteria to curate a custom list of families to message.
Return to the Family tab within your CRM system
Click "Filters" in the top right corner
The system will now provide a wealth of fields you can filter off
Consider exactly what group you are looking to message, and then create a a family list based on that criteria
I.e. Create a specific list of families in a "Waitlist" status who have children in a specific age range, if you are looking to fill spots for a classroom
Once you've input all your filters, click "Apply Selected Filters" at the bottom of the screen
At this stage, you have a new custom list, which you can then click "Group Action" and follow the steps above
You have the ability to save filters and come back to them via "Open Saved Filters" button
Step 3: Report on Group Communications
Once a Group Communication has been sent out, you can view it's performance. This is a key way to validate your messaging and the impact it's having with families.
Login to the CRM system and go to "Reports" on the left sidebar
Under reports, navigate to "Group Comms"
Within this section, you will see all of your Group Comms, the date they were sent, and their status
Once you open up a specific Group Comm, we will show it's performance and provide the list of families who received this message
Here is a breakdown of what each performance statistic refers to:
Families: This refers to the number of families this message attempted to send to
Processed: This refers to the number of families the message successfully sent to
Delivered: This refers to the number of families who successfully received the message
Opened: This refers to the total number of times families opened your message
Unique Opened: This refers to the specific number of families who opened your message
Clicked: This refers to the number of families who clicked a link within the message
Failed: This refers to the number of messages that failed to send
Spam Reported: This refers to the number of messages that were reported as spam by your families
The number of "Opens" will always be equal or higher than "Unique Opens" because a family can only record a "Unique Open" once, though they can open the message multiple times
The number of "Processed" messages may be below the number of families due to certain families being unsubscribed
The number of "Delivered" messages may be below the number of "Processed" messages due to bounces