Scheduling tours is a critical part of the enrollment journey for families in early education. Within LineLeader Enroll, you can setup different types of meetings & tours, including Virtual Tours.
Adding in Virtual Tours to your CRM system is very simple!
Step 1: Add a new new task type
Login to your CRM system
Navigate to the Families Page.
Click on the gear icon in the top right and scroll down the "Family Hub Settings"
You're now presented Task Types on the left and Results on the right
Under the left hand side Task Type list, add a new task called "Virtual Tours"
Note: You can add any type of tour here, Virtual Tour is simply an example
Ex: Some users might add "Orientation" as a Meeting type
Once the Virtual Tour task is added, be sure to assign it to the "Tour Group"
Note: This is critical, Tours are a special type of task in the CRM system, if you want Virtual Tours to operate like normal Tours, be sure to assign it correctly
Step 2: Create New Workflow Automations
In most cases, your CRM system is setup with a workflow automation for Tours. Now that you have created a new tour type, we need to setup a new workflow.
Login to your CRM system, go to Automation, then Automations
Create a new workflow automation
Workflows are custom to your CRM system and parent journey, however, you might want to set up something similar to the below
The key concept is that I now have a workflow built that will trigger when a Task Type equals Virtual Tour
Note: If you want to provide a different experience to families who book a Virtual Tour vs In Person Tour, you can have the Virtual Tour workflow automation send out different email/text content
Step 3 (Optional): Update Parent Scheduled Tour Forms
If you currently use our Parent-Scheduled Tour form, you now have you system setup to allow parents to book both Virtual and In Person Tours. If you want to add Virtual Tours into the booking experience, you now can.
Login to your CRM, go to Automation, Landing Pages, Parent-Scheduled Tours
Go to the setup wizard, and navigate to the "Tour Types" tab
Once at the "Tour Types" tab, under the question "What kinds of tour/meeting types can families sign up for?" you can now select Virtual Tours
Note: If your organization is only giving Virtual Tours, you can also only provide that option
Complete the wizard with the remaining steps
Once completed, your Parent Scheduled Tour booking experience will now provide parents the ability to choose whether they want to schedule a Tour or Virtual Tour
Note: Based on step one, you will now have Virtual Tour tasks and normal Tour tasks in your system. You will be able to run reports off these to track various different metrics, including which tour type might be more effective for your business.
If you have any further questions with enabling and setting up virtual tours, please contact Support by emailing support@golineleader.com