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LineLeader Enroll - Workflow Automations

This article explains the advantage of automation and how a standard set of Workflow Automations operates in Lineleader Enroll.

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 3 months ago

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Advantages of Automations

People who work in the Early Education Industry are incredibly busy! When time is sparse, it's crucial to have automation that can help. In LineLeader Enroll, our "Workflow Automations" are designed to automatically engage with families and create tasks in the system, so you don't have to! Automations are in place to help assist and compliment you in your role, they are not there to replace you and the personal touch you provide to families.

For customers who use LineLeader Enroll, we provide you with the industry best set of automations that have been tested over years of experience. but also provide some flexibility to create new ones, if you want to design a more custom journey.

To access "Workflow Automation" with your system, navigate to "Automations" and then "Automations".

**You may not have editing access to your Automations, however if you have Read Only access it's a great idea to become familiar with your organisations automations by viewing them in Automation>Automations. You can expand each automation to view more. That way you can increase your knowledge when it comes to understanding why an email was sent to a parent or why a task was created etc. This is particularly helpful if your organisation has customised their own set of automations or you are working with a Centralised Enrolment Team.

How to use this table: “When” is what triggers a workflow automation, “CRM Will” describes the automated consequences, and “Unless/Until” cancels any remaining workflow automations.

Name When CRM Will Unless/Until

1. New Guardian Added

A new guardian’s status equals “New Family”

· Send the “1a New Lead Text” text template in 1 min

· Send the “2a Inquiry Thank You” email template in 15 min

· Add a phone call task to call the guardian in 1 hr

· Send the “2a Unable to Contact before Tour” text template in 4 days

· Send the “0 Unable to Contact – Touch Base” email template in 7 days

· Add a review task to consider the family’s status in 10 days

A family member’s status changes to a more advanced status.

3. Scheduled Tour from Task

A Tour is added

· Add a tour scheduled event (behind-the-scenes)

· Change the family’s status to “Tour Scheduled”

· Text the “3a Tour Confirmation” template in 5 min

· Email the “3 Tour Confirmation” template in 15 min

A family member’s status changes to a more advanced status.

4a. Tour Completed (Task Result)

A Tour is completed

· Change the family’s status to Tour Completed

· Send the “4a Tour Thank You” text template in 1 hour

· Send the “4a Tour Thank You” email template in 3 hours

· Add a phone call task to call the guardian in 1 day

· Send the “4c Unable to Contact After Tour” text template in 7 days

· Add a review to consider the family’s status in 10 days

A family member’s status is moved to a more advanced status.

4c. Tour No Show

When a Tour result is “Tour Not Completed”

· Add a phone call to reschedule in 30 min

· Send the “4b Missed Tour” text template in 1 hour

· Send the “4d Tour No Show” email template in 2 hours

· Add a phone call to reschedule in 2 days

· Add a review to consider the family’s status in 7 days

A family member’s status is moved to “Tour Completed” or a more advanced status.

8a. Lost Opportunity - Guardian

When a Guardian’s status is moved to Lost Opportunity

· Send the “8a Lost Opportunity Template” text template in 1 hour

· Send the “8 Lost Opportunity Survey” email template in 2 hours


8b. Lost Opportunity – Child

When a Guardian’s status is moved to Lost Opportunity

· Send the “8a Lost Opportunity Template” text template in 1 hour

· Send the “8 Lost Opportunity Survey” email template in 2 hours


If you have any further questions about Workflow Automations or would like to explore customising your workflow automations for a more streamlined custom journey, please contact your Customer Success Advocate or contact Support by emailing

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