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(Legacy CRM) How to Set Up Groups and Create Mailing Labels
(Legacy CRM) How to Set Up Groups and Create Mailing Labels
Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 3 months ago

Broadly speaking, sending a group communication requires two steps: creating a group of leads (a step you only have to do once for each group) and then sending that group a message (which you can do however often you want).

Step 1: On the “Marketing” tab, “Manage Groups” sub-tab, click “+ Add Group”.

Step 2: On the “Manage Group” page, enter a Group Name, select at least one Applicable Status and select at least one Applicable Age Group.

Step 3: Then select any other options that will identify the leads you want to contact. .

(Note: it is okay to leave fields blank; blank fields are simply ignored when ChildCareCRM is identifying leads to be in your group.)

Step 4: Click the “SAVE” button at the bottom of the screen.

(In the example below, a director wants to email new location hours to every lead who was a lost opportunity due to the center’s hours--i.e. the Lost Opportunity Reason was “Hours Open”.)

(The examples below focus on group emails, but during Step 3 below you can select texts, tasks, etc.)

Step 1: On the “Marketing” tab, “Manage Group” sub-tab, click the green "Send Group Communication" icon for the group you want to communicate with:

Step 2 (Optional): If this communication is part of a marketing campaign, select the campaign.

Step 3 (Required): Select the type of communication you want to send out. (This is where the mailing labels option is!)

The screen will change based on the type of communication method you choose.

Step 4: Fill out the form that appears.

- Select your options about information to be included on the labels

o Include Leads with Incomplete addresses/ Use Child’s Name on Address Label

Step 5: you will see a preview list of all the leads included in your group. Here you have the option to “uncheck” anyone you would like to exclude from this communication.

Click "NEXT" to proceed.

Step 6: If everything looks correct on the confirmation page, click the blue button to make labels.

Step 7: Pick the label template you would like to use and include any blank spaces you need

Final Product: After you pick the label template your completed labels will generate. You can directly print from the generated label screen or download the file to make any desired font or format changes you would like.

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