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(Legacy CRM) Group Communication History

See your group email history, group text history and mailing label history.

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 2 months ago

Step 1: (Optional) Most group communications go out at the location level; if you have access to multiple organization levels within your company, access the level (corporate, region, location, etc.) that you want to view.

Step 2: Click either...
Marketing > Group Communication History > Group Email History
Marketing > Group Communication History > Group Text History
Marketing > Group Communication History > Mailing Label History

(The screenshots below will show the Group Email History tab, but the other tabs work in fundamentally the same way except they don't have charts.)

The miniature line graphs to the right are called “sparklines” and are only available for group emails. They provide an at-a-glance picture of what people did with the emails they received:

(If a group email contained no links to click, “# of Clicks” will be zero.)

Step 3: Click a specific communication to see more detail:

You can click “View Leads” in the upper right to see which leads were sent this communication.

And if you have Two-Way Communication activated, you can click “View Replies” in the upper right to see emailed replies to this group communication.

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