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(Legacy CRM) Lead & Child Statuses

Everything you could want to know about statuses for leads and children.

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 3 months ago

Please note:  Statuses are customizable.  Most but not all companies use the statuses described below.  If your statuses are different and this article doesn’t answer your questions, consult with your manager.


ChildCareCRM is focused on getting people through the enrollment process.  As people get closer to enrollment, they pass through a group of statuses called “Active” statuses.

Once a person is no longer actively in the enrollment process, they will be in one of the “Archive” statuses.  Because you’re no longer in the enrollment process once you’re enrolled, “Enrolled” is an archive status.

A lead can have different children in different statuses:

If there are any children, the lead will just show “Active” status if any of the children are in an active status, or will just show “Archive” if all of the children are in archive statuses:

If there are no children in the system, the lead will show the status:

“Wait List”, “Registered” and “Enrolled” statuses require child data to be in the system.

Finally, leads that are entered by someone on staff start out in whichever active status the staff puts them in.  Leads that enter your system any other way (for example, through the internet) start out in “Pending” status so that you can screen them before accepting them


Pending Status

Pending:  Lead/child data that has entered your system but needs to be approved or rejected because it might be spam.

Active Statuses

New Lead:  Someone in your system that has not yet had a back-and-forth communication with location staff.

Engaged:  Someone that has had at least one back-and-forth communication with location staff but has not yet scheduled a tour.

Tour Scheduled:  Someone that has scheduled but not yet completed a tour of your location.

Tour Completed:  Someone that has completed a tour but not yet been waitlisted or registered for class.

Wait List:  A lead wants their child to attend class and is waiting for an opening.

Registered:  A lead has signed up their child to attend a class but the child has not yet begun attending.

Archive Statuses

Enrolled:  A child has begun and continues to participate in your location's programs.

Withdrawn:  A child was participating in your location's programs but has ended participation.

Temporary Leave:  A child has temporarily withdrawn but is scheduled to resume participation.

Lost Opportunity:  A lead/child dropped out of the enrollment process before becoming enrolled, for any reason.

Rejected:  The lead/child data was invalid, for example a duplicate record or test data.

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