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(Legacy CRM) Brands

Include individual branding in your outbound communications.

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 3 months ago

Some organizations with multiple locations do business under multiple brands. ChildCareCRM can associate locations with brands in your email and text communications in two distinct ways:

  • Include brands in your email templates and text templates. This way you can send out the same template from different locations and the logo or brand name in the message body will automatically change to reflect that location’s brand.

  • Have “reply to” email addresses change to brand-based email addresses. For example, if your organization name is Gaia Childcare but some locations are branded “Gaia Montessori” and your name is Pat, you could change your reply-to email address from “” to “”.

You can use either of the above features without the other and you can use them both together.

Please note that a location can only be associated with one brand in the CRM.

Please also note that you cannot use branded "reply to" emails with CRM's Two-Way Emails feature--an email can only have one "reply to", and so the reply can either be directed back to your CRM system or to your branded email address, but not both.

Initial Setup

Step 1: Click Marketing > Brands. Then click the “ADD BRAND” button.

Step 2: Fill out the “Add Brand” window and then click the “SAVE” button.

Step 3: Click “Ok”.

Click the “Add Brand” button again until you have entered all your brands. Don’t forget your main organization name, if you have locations doing business under that brand as well.

Using Brands in Your Templates

When creating an email template, you’ll find you have a new “Hierarchy type”, “Brand”. Selecting “Brand” will cause the field below “Hierarchy type” to change to “Brand:”, allowing you to select which of your brands you want the template applied to. This is important if you want to use branded emails with business rules—you’ll need to set up a template group and create a different email template for each brand. 

In addition, “BrandLogo” in the Variables list on the right will now insert the logo you uploaded in Step 2, and “BrandName” will insert the brand name you selected in Step 2.

Please note that the CRM is not able to select attachments based on brand. If you have branded attachments to send out, please create a separate template for each brand.

If you have branded URL’s, you can have the same template apply different URL’s. See Location Merge Variables for more information.

For more on using variables in a template, see Email & Text Templates.


The CRM cannot create new email accounts out of nothing. It can only switch the “reply-to” email address from one email address that already exists to another email address that already exists. 

For example, let’s say you’re “Pat” and you work at “Gaia Childcare” and have an email address “”. And let’s say you also already have a working email address at your brand email address “”. You can use this feature to tell the CRM to stop using “” in the “reply-to” field and to use “” instead, when it sends out emails for you.

But this feature can’t create a new email account for you. You must already have it.

Another important note: this feature only changes the email address after the “@” sign but does not change anything before the “@” sign. So while it can, for example, switch your reply-to from “” to “”, it cannot change it from “” to “”.

Finally, note that you cannot use branded "reply to" emails with CRM's Two-Way Emails feature--an email can only have one "reply to", and so the reply can either be directed back to your CRM system or to your branded email address, but not both.

Initial Setup

Step 1: Call our Customer Success people or use the Chat feature in the CRM to contact us. Request that we turn on “branded emails” for you.

Step 2: Click Marketing > Brands. Then click the “ADD BRAND” button.

Step 3: Fill out the “Add Brand” window. For “Email Domain”, enter whatever follows the “@” symbol whenever you’re using your brand email. (Note that the domain field can take all types of domains: .com, .org,, etc.) 

Then click the “SAVE” button.

Step 4: Click “Ok”.

Click the “Add Brand” button again until you have entered all your brands. Don’t forget your main organization name, if you have locations doing business under that brand as well.

Finally, do the remaining steps for each staff member that should use brand emails in their “reply-to” fields:

Step 5: Click Settings > Staff Settings > Staff Information > [Click the Staff’s Name] 

Step 6: Click “Edit” in the upper right taskbar.

Step 7: Check the “Send Brand Emails” checkbox. Then click the “SAVE” button.


That’s it. Once you’re done, all the staff who you’ve selected during Steps 5 thru 7 will now have “reply-to” emails based on the brands you set up, whether they send out individual emails or group emails.

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