To edit a child's record….
Step 1: Find the child. There are several options:
Option A:
Start typing the child's name or the lead’s name, phone number or email address in the upper right search bar.
Click the child's/lead’s name when it appears.
Option B: If you’re logged into a specific location….
On the Home tab, click the “All Active” status tab.
Click the child's/lead’s row in the resulting list.
Option C: If you’re logged into a specific location and know the child's current status….
On the “Home” tab, either click the child’s status tab or click the status column in the “Active Opportunity Pipeline” chart.
Click the child's/lead’s row in the resulting list.
Step 2: On the “Manage Lead” screen, click on the child’s row.
Step 3: On the View Child screen, click on the “EDIT” button at the bottom or click “Edit” in the upper right toolbar.
Step 4: In the “Modify Child” screen, make whatever changes are necessary. If any pop-up windows appear, provide the necessary information.
Then click the “SAVE” button at the bottom or click “Save” in the upper right toolbar.