To manually add a task or event:
Step 1: Find the lead that the task or event affects. There are several options:
Option A:
Start typing the child’s name or the lead’s name, phone number or email address in the upper right search bar.
Click the child’s or lead’s name when it appears.
Option B: If you’re logged into a specific location....
On the Home tab, click the “All Active” status tab.
Click the lead’s/child’s row in the resulting list.
Option C: If you’re logged into a specific location and know the lead’s/child’s current status....
On the “Home” tab, either click the lead’s/child’s status tab or click the status column in the “Active Opportunity Pipeline” chart.
Click the lead’s/child’s row in the resulting list.
Step 2: On the “Manage” Lead screen…
…if adding a TASK, click “+ Add Task”:
…if adding an EVENT, first click the “Activities” tab and then click “+ Add Event”:
Step 3: Fill in the information on the screen that appears.
If a pop-up window appears, provide the requested information. (This frequently happens when a task or event changes the status of a lead or child).
Then click the “SAVE” button (or "SAVE + NEW TASK" if the lead is still active, isn't waitlisted or registered yet, and doesn't have any other tasks scheduled).