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Release Notes 10/2/19
Release Notes 10/2/19

Check out the newest enhancements to the CRM system!

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over a week ago

The “Recently Modified Leads” Widget Now Excludes Pending Leads

Home tab

To avoid replacing recently worked leads in the “Recently Modified Leads” widget with leads that were simply approved and declined, pending leads are now excluded from the widget.

Text Messages with Merge Variables that Exceed 300 Characters No Longer Cut Off

Marketing > Manage Groups > [Select Group] > Send Group Communication Icon

Text messages have a 300-character limit.  Text message templates that use merge variables sometimes exceed this limit when a merge variable has a large value.  Such messages are no longer cut off at 300 characters but now go out with the entire message.

Manual text messages still have a 300-character limit.

Reports with Staff Filters Show Inactive Staff at the Bottom of the List

Reports > [Multiple]

Reports that allow you to filter on an individual staff person (for example, the “Assigned To:” filter on Reports > Leads > Completed Tasks/Events) now have inactive staff members (shown in red) at the bottom of the filter’s drop-down list, making it easier for you to create the reports you want.

“Table View” on Locations Tab Now Includes Location Status

Settings > Organization Settings > Locations > Table View

The status of each location is now displayed when the “Table View” button is clicked on the Locations tab of Organization Settings.

This permits sorting of locations by status, for example allowing the user to group all of the “under construction” locations together.

“Advisories” Added to “Location Details” Header

Home > Location Details widget

(Please note that the Location Details widget is specifically for enrollment center staff.)

Advisories about locations (e.g. temporary closings) now appear on the Location Details header. The information appears regardless of tab, but this enhancement was specifically designed to allow people using the map tab to see critical information without having to change tabs, as shown below.

Step 1: Click on a location of interest to get that center’s basic information to pop up. Note the location’s name.

Step 2: Select that location’s name in the location bar.  Note that the red advisory appears in the header next to “Location Details” in the upper left, in this case indicating that this location is closed.

Step 3 (optional): If you mouse over the advisory, additional information will appear (assuming it was entered into the CRM).

“Last Modified” Date Stamp Added to Location Data Entry Screens

[Log in at Center level] > Location Data Entry Icon

(Please note that the functionality described below is specific to enrollment centers.)

The “Location Data Entry” screens now feature a “Last Modified” date stamp so that users can know whether the information in the CRM is current.

The Location Details widget also features this timestamp, showing the most recent edit date from among the Info, Offerings and Details tabs.


Users whose notification setting is set to “no” no longer receive notifications.

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