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Integration with EZ-Care2
Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 5 years ago

Child Care CRM Processes

A new function in Child Care CRM allows you the ability to export parent and child information from Child Care CRM and import that data into EZ Care 2, saving you the time of having to re‐enter this information after the child enrolls.

Activating Child Care CRM Integration

► To activate Child Care CRM Integration

1. Log into Child Care CRM as an administrator.

2. Go to Settings >> System Settings >> Management Integration.

3. To enable this functionality, click 

4. Select EZ Care 2.

Click on the Enable CRM Integration checkbox. At this point, the Enable CRM Integration field should read “Enabled” and “EZ Care 2” will be displayed as your Management System. If this information is all correct, the management integration        functionality is enabled in Child Care CRM.

To complete the activation process, you must also activate the integration in EZ Care 2. Please refer to the documentation located at the EZ Care 2 website.

Child Care CRM Export Process

When a child record is changed from “Contacted,” “New Lead,” Tour Scheduled,” or “Tour Completed”  status to either “Registered” or “Wait List” status (and the export function is enabled in your system) the export process is activated.

Export Process for Registered Status

  1. Go into a child record and click 

2. Change the Status to Registered.

3. A popup box will appear. Click “Yes” to export. If you select “No”, the record will not be exported. You may still export this record manually at a later time.

4. Check the Past Activities section of the Child record. A record of the export should be noted.

5. Go to the Home tab.

6. Click on the Export tab beneath the graph.The status of the record you just processed will read either “Pending” or “Processed.” Once it  reads “Processed,” it has been moved into EZ Care 2 and is ready for import.

7. At this point, you should go to EZ Care 2 and begin the import process. To import records into  EZ Care 2, refer to the documentation at the EZ Care 2 Website.

8. Once the record has been imported to EZ Care 2, the status changes in Child Care CRM Export    Tab on your Home page from “Pending” to “Processed”.

9. If you hover over the record, you will read a message that reads as follows:

10. At this point, click on the Action icon. A popup box will appear:

11. Select the Enrolled Reason from the pick list.

12. Enter the Actual Start Date.

13. Input any additional comments as necessary.

14. Click on the Save button. The status will read “Waiting”. Every 60 seconds, a batch process moves records from “waiting” status to “Completed” status if Actual Start Date is on or before today. If the Actual Start Date is in the future, the export record will stay in “Waiting” until the Actual Start Date arrives.

Export Process for Wait List Status

The export process for children in Wait List status is very similar to the process for the Registered Status. The only difference is the initial popup box that appears which, in this case, allows you to enter additional wait-list information that isn’t necessary when moving a child record into “Registered” status. Once you enter the appropriate wait list information, you may either select “Yes” or “No” in the Export Child Management System pick list. If you select “No”, the record will not be processed for export. You may still export this record manually at a later time. If you select “Yes”, the export process occurs. After that, the export process is the same as described in the Export Process for Registered Status section.

Manual Export Process

If a child is moved to either “Wait List” or “Registered” status and not exported at that time, you still  have the ability to export that record at a later time.

  1. To do this, go into the record and view the Child record. At the top right of that View Child popup   box, an Export button will be available (highlighted in orange below).

2. A popup box will appear.

3. To export, select “Yes”. At this point, continue the process as previously described.

4. If you attempt to export a child record that has already been exported, a popup box will appear, letting you know that the child has already been processed.

EZ2 Child Care CRM Setup

The following steps allow you to set up Child Care CRM Integration.

► To set up Child Care CRM Integration

1. Open Office Administration, Chapter 3 – Preferences & Setup, and select Child Care CRM  Integration Setup.

2. Select the file cabinet and click the Edit button. The Child Care CRM Integration Setup screen appears.

3. The first time you access the screen, you will need to authenticate your Child Care CRM account:

a. Input your Child Care CRM User Name and Password at the top of the screen.

b. Click the Authenticate button. The account will be authenticated. After that, the Child Care CRM ID will automatically appear at the top of the screen.

4. Set up the field mapping that will determine which fields in EX-Care2 receive the information fro the family records in Child Care CRM:

a. Click on the Field Mapping tab.

b. For each Source field, do one of the following:

· Select a corresponding Destination Field from the Destination Field column. This will be the field in you EZ-CARE2 system that receives the information from that Source field.

· Check the Do Not Transfer box in the Do Not Transfer column. This will prevent the information in that Source field from being transferred into your EZ-CARE2 system.

c. If you need to start over, click the Reset Map button to return the Field Mapping grid to its default settings.

5. Map the locations in Child Care CRM with the centers/sites in your EZ‐CARE2 file cabinet:

a. Click on the Location Mapping tab. The Location Mapping grid appears:

b. For each CRM Location, do one ofthe following:

· Select a corresponding Center/Site from the Center/Site column.

· Check the Do Not Transfer box in the Do Not Transfer column. This will prevent the location from being mapped to a center/site in your system.

c. If you need to start over, click the Reset Map button to return the Location Mapping grid to its default settings.

6. When finished, click the Done button at the bottom of the screen.

Transferring Data with EZ2 Child Care CRM

Once you have set up Child Care CRM Integration, you can use it to begin transferring family and  location information from Child Care CRM to your EZ‐CARE2 system.

► To transfer child and/or family records from Child Care CRM

  1. Click on the Child Care CRM button in the main toolbar. The Child Care CRM Transfer screen appears.

2. Check whether you want to transfer Families, Children, or both.

3. Set Cabinet to the file cabinet that you want to transfer the records into.

4. Click the Transfer button to transfer any new records from Child Care CRM into the selected file cabinet. The Child Care CRM Transfer Preview screen appears.

5. If there are family or child records that you don’t want to transfer into your file cabinet, such as a family that is already in the cabinet, check the box in the Skip column for that record.

6. Click the Continue button to close the Transfer Preview screen and transfer the records into your file cabinet. Click the Cancel button to close the Transfer Preview screen without transferring any records.

7. When finished, click the Done button to close the screen.

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