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(Legacy CRM) What are the functions at the top right of the Home screen?
(Legacy CRM) What are the functions at the top right of the Home screen?
Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 3 months ago

1. The name of the User who is logged into the system is displayed at the top of the screen and the Location that they are currently managing is noted next to their name.  As a User, you may change your password by clicking on your name and then clicking on [Reset Password].  Enter your new password twice and click [Save] to change it.  You may also enter/update your name, address, email address, phone and alternate phone by clicking on [Edit].

2. Clicking on the Help link takes you to a web page that contains:

A list of FAQs that provide you with detailed explanations of the system’s functionality;

A link to a Support Ticket system that you can use to submit system bugs/issues, questions, enhancement suggestions and general comments.  You will be able to monitor the status of any Issues you submit.

A link to the latest Release Notes that explain the system’s newest fixes and features.

3. To Logout of the system and end your session, click on Logout. your system is set up to stay logged in for a certain amount of time before it automatically logs you out. If you are finding this time too short or too long, please contact management.

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