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(Legacy CRM) How Do I Keep Track of Classroom Openings?
(Legacy CRM) How Do I Keep Track of Classroom Openings?
Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 3 months ago

The Classroom Openings widget section (located on the Home screen under the “Add New Lead” section) allows users to record location classroom openings so that corporate-level users in multi-site organizations can have visibility into the number of openings a teach location. Users can input the classes or age groups and then input the number of openings for that class or age group. If there are no openings, the date of the next opening may be noted. This Home screen Panel may be turned on and off within the Preferences tab under Organization Settings.

Step 1: Adding the Classrooms 

To add your classrooms, click on the Edit button . A new window title Classroom Openings will appear. Click on the Update Class List tab. Begin adding classrooms by clicking on the [+ Add Class] button. A new window titled Add Class will appear. 

Enter the Class Name (up to 100 characters) and Class Code (up to 10 characters). Click the Add button. 

Repeat this process until all your classrooms are entered. If you need to edit any of your Classroom names or codes, click on the Edit button .An Edit Class window will appear. Make your changes then click on the Update button.

Step 2: Updating Your Class Counts 

 Once you have inputted your classrooms, you can enter the class counts for each classroom. Click on the Update Class Count tab, then click on the Edit button . This will put you in Edit mode. Enter the number of current openings for each classroom. If there are none, enter “0” and enter the date of the next opening for that classroom. Once you have finished, click on the Save button. 

 Once we have clicked on the icon, we can now see other classes at our sister centers within the organization. (See image below)





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